Watch BB19!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday: The Overnighter

It's Day 70 of this soul crushing season. Same ishh, different day. Paul is still controlling these idiots, as production is probably scrambling for a new twist since the Temptation Tree bombed and they have no footage to show every episode now (just a ton of filler footage), Raven is still dying from her million ailments, Matt is still eating cereal and doing jacksh*t but at least he'll be going out the door on Thursday. Good riddance to an embarrassment of a "player" (and I use that term loosely). It sticks in my craw when so many fans would do anything to get on the show, and then we get someone like Matt. How he got cast, I'll never know. He has the personality of a doorknob and a weird cereal addiction. I don't get it.

Moving on...

Paul/Christmas/Alex/Josh all are irritated with kevin for some reason these days. (according to Josh, kevin is "rubbing people the wrong way". Whatever the heck that means.) Jason goes back and forth on the whole Kevin thing..from hanging out with Kevin (doing their daily walk n' talk in the backyard), to agreeing with Paul/Alex/Christmas that he's had enough of Kevin, then back to defending him to Josh, by saying they can just talk to Kevin about their problems with him. For the most part though, he's on Team Kevin it seems.

1:35pm BBT:
Alex tells Josh to be mean to Kevin, as Paul wants to spin everything around on Kevin by having Jason blame Kevin so that Kevin will be next weeks target. (*Because as we all know, Paul has to have justification in order to target and evict someone, so he'll make up scenarios to make it happen if there's no valid reasons to pick from.) Jason, who has a brain of his own lately, said he's not going to do that. (*Thank you, Jason!)

1:50pm BBT:
Alex went outside and offered everyone a coke while Kevin (a Have Not this week) can't have any. They all then do a cheers, minus Kevin because he doesn't have a coke.

Matt (the other Have Not for the week) said if he stays on teh block, he'll just eat whatever he wants anyway and take the penalty vote. Raven vows to go off if she's not pulled off the block. She also said she won't vote for Jason if he makes to Final 2 if he doesn't pull her off the block. 

So, Jason won't be using the veto today during the Veto Ceremony and this will tick off Raven but then again, who's Raven. This week, Matt has been (and still is) the target, but don't be surprised if the HG's decide to get Raven out next as she's annoying everyone with her sob stories, loud screeching in the house, etc..although Paul wants her to stick around awhile longer and told Josh that Raven siad she'd throw him (Josh) HOH, so I don't think Raven actually would go anywhere this week. 

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony, where Jason will not being using it, keeping the noms of Matt/Raven the same with Matt being the target..and he could care less. This is Big brother this season. 

Stay tuned...
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Razldazlrr said...

good god - I don't get it either - there are so many good people that are fans that want to play this game - the casting crew needs to be replaced and new questions given to interview these people. Also no recruiting of people that just want to get on tv!

At least Jason seems to be waking up to the fact he's in a game now - maybe the letter from his wife kicked him into reality.

Personally, I would have to vote out Raven - she drives me nuts. How does someone not just go crazy with her? I really think this group may need more alcohol!

BKReed said...

What Alex did with the Coke thing is just cruel... Obviously, she was rubbing it in Kevin's face. Grr!

Unknown said...

I'm surprised you didn't mention anything about Raven and Matt's hour long food fight in the kitchen last night... it was one of the most bizarre things I've seen on the live feeds this season!

daryl42 said...

Jason...don't you dare use that veto!

Anonymous said...

I really thought I'd be rooting for Matt early on. He is likeable and Seemed smart and a good competitor. He has done nothing all summer. It would be hard to do less than he has done. But Raven managed it. Really Cameron did more this season than Raven I think.

Everyone in casting needs to be fired, and blackballed from entertainment. They should be forced to be key grips for porn. And not good porn either.

Megan, Cody, MAtt, Josh, Raven, Kevin, Mark, Elana were horrible players. Well Megan had issues. Jason has made all kinds of mistakes. Also, remember when Cody asked Alex to be with him (early) and she was like "nah". (I remember she was stretching with him when he asked) Not sure how Cody didn't go after her at that point? She basically said she wouldn't play WITH him. (in alliance) Dumb move by her, worse by him!

It's like no one has ever seen the game, except Paul. And I'd be soooo a Paul fan if it was for the bullying he pushed for.

They really really really need to hit a HR next year, or BB will be canceled.

Unknown said...

COULDNT care less. Sorry its a pet peeve of mine.

Unknown said...

LOL at "and not good porn either."
But yeah I agree, this season has been such a huge letdown. I don't even really watch the episodes anymore. I'll have it playing in the background while I do my own thing. I rarely watch feeds (5 minutes here and there). I honestly just want the finale to be here so they can reveal everything to the cast.

Clay said...

I think they need to do nominations different. Should have 3 each week and let america pick one to keep the house guests in check. So at least the HG's will know that they did something that week america didnt like when they get put on the block.

Stephanie said...

Jamie you should go on BB! You'd have so many fans rooting for you!
I only felt bad for Cody being ganged up on a time or two but I really feel bad for Kevin! He was never mean or nasty in the beginning like Cody was. I hope he wins HOH and then gets his butt kissed as he puts Alex and Josh on the block together! If one of them wins veto, bye Paul.

Dianne said...

Huge fight in the house after today's veto ceremony.

Anonymous said...

@Stephanie - I agree - Cody dished it out and got it back tenfold. For the life of me, I cannot understand why they feel the need to trash Kevin and treat him like this. Put him on the block and vote him out if you want - no need to get so personal. So glad Jason stuck to his plan to keep Kevin. Jason is a comp beast and Kevin "had" a great social game. They could make it to F2 if Jason continues to play his own game.

Unknown said...

I hate the fact that we look forward to this show every year, like kids at Christmas time, and it ends up blowing hard, especially this year! Next year needs to be all newbies or all vets. Find people with drive and determination. Throw some comps at them during audition. This is getting do tiresome, year after year.

Unknown said...

Just more of the bullying that has been going on in the house. I can't stand that. They should all be ashamed of themselves and I hope they get what they deserve after they get home. In this day when it's socially unacceptable they have spent the summer doing nothing but. Shame on production too for encouraging and allowing this behavior

Pink Pat said...

First off, prayers for everybody affected by Hurricane Harvey. Second, my heart hurts after reading about all the ugliness, the absolute worst of humanity, that's going on, AGAIN, in the BB house. I agree with somebody who tweeted, Jamie, that BB should shut this season down, send everybody home and donate $550K (or maybe even the additional $25K to go to AFP) to help the hurricane victims. Third, why in the world would Jason say such an absolutely unforgivable and indefensible thing about Kevin's wife, tying up his daughters to have them watch him essentially rape Kevin's wife? And he's supposed to be Kevin's friend, isn't he? How vile can these people get? I really hope these people face the bad karma they deserve once this season is over, particularly Paul, Alex, Josh, Christmas, and, unfortunately, also Jason.

Anonymous said...

This afternoon was ridiculous! OMG, it took them right at an hour for feeds to return from Veto Ceremony. Apparently, it was because of the huge fight afterwards. I watched feeds for the first hour after, listening to Raven's screeching at Jason and Matt in a "soprano" voice yelling at Jason. I did not know Matt could speak up and he showed his true colors. He constantly asked Jason questions, answer yes or no. I would have told him to back off and I'm done talking to you. Honestly, you would think they weren't going after Jason if they had won HOH.

Funny, Matt is going to eat, sleep with Raven, take hot showers and get penalty votes for all his offenses since he's going home anyway. He wants Raven to stay.

After that first hour, it was Paul and all his minions comforting Raven and lying, lying, lying in order to secure jury votes. Then, it turned to Kevin. After all, Kevin is their next target so we must torment him the whole week.

Christmas picked a fight with Kevin and then Josh got into it, as usual. When he asked Kevin to swear on his family and Kevin went towards Josh saying not to bring his family into it. Feeds were down then for basically an hour. Boy, the tempers must have been really bad for so much fish during all this.

I had to give up, I couldn't take anymore. Jamie, I feel for you if you watch this afternoon's happenings.

Almost everyone in this house is hateful. It is beyond game play when they literally dislike and treat people this bad.

Anthony said...

I think I have said this in another comment but I don't even watch anymore, I FF through the shows only to see the comps or votes, although the votes are anticlimactic. when did this show jump the shark? when was it about not getting "blood on your hands"? I hate that line, there's no blood it's a show. and on top of that, and I'm not politically correct at all but how long before this is categorized as a show that promotes bullying? technically cody,jess,domonique,mark & elena were all bullied. meaning they were the outcasts of the house & that's the America we all live in that no one wants bullies or to be bullied. I just want someone to make a big move, the past 3 weeks was the perfect opportunity for the house to backdoor paul & get him out. but instead he's going to final 2- 2 seasons in a row unless someone does something...ANYTHING!!

Unknown said...

I really had high expectations of this season. The cast was a little older and some like Alex were superfans of the show. I liked Paul last year but the follow the leader got hold really fast. I miss the days of Janelle, Rachel, Britney, Boogey, Dan Gheesling, Daniele Donato, Evel Dick who were and are still the crown jewels of BB. These vets came to play and win. The last 4 years BB15-19 have been free falling. The only goal for most players of the past seasons including this one is to make it to jury?

I use to watch the BBAD when it was on Showtime for 3 hours every night all summer. It was my summer obsession. Now, it's checking up on the the blog and recording the Thursday night show fast forwarding it to the eviction and HOH comp.

I hope production really does read the blogs to find out people's true opinions of the show. My favorite part of BB now is Wil's BB sagas. We need a season of vets like him. Most of the vets now are married with young children. I would have loved to see BB survive long enough to see Britney's daughters on the show competing against Rachel's girl and Jeff and Jordan's little boy! Great job Jamie. Keep up the good work on the blog!

Unknown said...

Ok. So. I rarely watch the feeds because I have like 50 jobs and my schedule makes it difficult. And every single season it becomes the same thing from the fans: "worst season ever, worst car ever, so on so forth" ... But THIS year. It's beyond. Beyond anything I've ever seen. Paul is truly the only one playing ... Maybe a little bit Jason lately ... But the bully-mentality, the cruelty, the ganging up on a person for ZERO reason ... Throwing away Kevin's only source of food?? CBS has let this go way too far. BB19 has become a bit like The Purge ... Just with no violence. Terrorizing for the sake of being able to get away with it. So, I implore all BB Fandom ... For the sake of all that's good in the world ... Please do not make these people into BB royalty after the season! Sheesh.

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