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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Summer Sunday, guys & gals! So as we already found out last night, Jason won the Veto this week and ever since then, Paul has been pressuring him to put Kevin up on the block. Jason, however, seems to be having a mind of his own lately and telling Paul no. It's fantastic!!

One of my favorite quotes from this season was from last night..

Jason (to Paul): "I have had it being a minion and every motherf*cking thing I do being predetermined." (*So are we, Jason.)

While Kevin isn't the target this week, Jason fears that Alex might actually take a shot at getting Kevin out (he doesn't trust her lately because she's talking to Xmas more than him), which Paul/Christmas are just loving. Jason eventually told Alex how he's afraid she'd vote Kevin out if he was the renom, but she promised him she wouldn't do that.

At 9:39pm BBT, Matt admitted that if Jason leaves the noms the same (which he is currently doing), then it'd actually be a smart move for him to do because they (Matt/Raven) would put up Jason/Alex if they won HOH.

By 10:28pm BBT, Josh and Christmas say they've both been getting weird questions in the Diary Room lately about trusting Paul. Josh seems to think that Paul is "working everybody". (*Bingo was his name-o!)
Christmas said she thinks that Big Brother is showing the alliance and asking if they trust Paul because of that. She said if she's wrong, she "feels good" about being wrong about that. (*Huh?!) Josh agreed. This isn't the first time that Josh has questioned Paul's game. After the bullhorn incident a few weeks ago, Josh asked Paul if they're being portrayed as bullies and wondered if America hates them for bullying. Paul said no, but the bullhorn yeller saying "Paul is a bully" has made Josh take a few steps back and stopped his antics in the past couple weeks, even telling Paul no when Paul told him to do some of his antics.

Anyway, as of now, Jason will be leaving the noms the same tomorrow at the Veto Ceremony. Alex said she'd play dumb to not knowing that he (Jason) was going to keep the noms the same. Jason is okay with that.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is Sunday, my day off, so you guys go out and enjoy your day and don't forget to watch tonight's new BB19 episode at 8pm ET/7pm!! Enjoy the $6/month live feeds !!

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

These guys are all fools if they go along with Paul's "suggestion" and throw the next HOH to Josh so he will put Kevin up. Paul wants the HOH thrown to Josh so he can put Jason up and still have his hands clean. Mama Mia, they are the worst ever! Watch around 10:45 last night. How gullible can you be? Play for yourselves, don't trust someone else to do what they say!

Thanks, Jamie, for posting such good updates so we know what's going on even when we don't see it. At least it's not quite as boring as the last few weeks.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Jamie you got my day started with the best laugh,bingo was his name-o. Thanks

Smokey said...

Love the spelling of Xmas. Still makes me laugh.

KathyC said...

Sounds like the lot of them are enjoying Kevin-bashing today. Not sure what he did to deserve it, but why must these HGs personally attack the one they want to evict? I don't remember that being game play in past seasons. I guess this is what you get when you solicit a bunch of people in the house who know nothing about Big Brother.

Anonymous said...

Went back and watched the feeds where Josh tells Christmas about production asking him if he thinks he can trust Paul. Of course, Christmas feels that they are only reinforcing the fact that the three of them are an alliance and if she's wrong, she doesn't mind? Maybe she should start thinking things thru a little better? The live feeds are really hard to watch with Paul's loud voice and Raven's screeching. Ouch!

Lea said...

I'm glad to hear that Josh is growing and saying no to Paul.

Kb said...

Please see the light Jason! I'd love for him or Kevin to take a shot at Paul.

Anonymous said...

@Leah..Right, so glad to see hi sticking up for himself. No one should be treated like Paul treats him. Now, if only something would happen to cause Josh to really get ticked at Paul and put him OTB, especially if Paul convinces everyone to throw the HOH to Paul. Wouldn't that be epic? It won't happen but sure would be priceless. And, I agree that Josh IS seeing things by watching people.

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