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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Veto Comp (Spoiler)

The feeds were off for over 5 hours this afternoon for the Veto Comp. Let's see who won!

Winner of the Power of Veto is:


It was the hide-the-veto comp. The house is torn apart! 

Paul: "Last season was way worse. Waaaay worse."

Jason has all the power this week, with both an HOH and now the Veto win. Will he make a big move? Nope. Matt will go this week. Hey, at least the houseguests won't be in danger of losing to a non-comp-winning threat that does nothing but eat cereal all day. /sarcasm

Currently (as of 8:20pm BBT) Paul/Alex have both been pushing Jason to pull Raven down and put up Kevin, but he doesn't wanna do that. Paul planted the thought of if Kevin wins HOH, he'd put up Josh/Christmas and Paul doesn't wanna lose them right now. We'll have to see if Jason does his own thing this week, or if Pope Paul will have this way like usual.

**I'll be back with The Overnighter in the morning, have a good night everyone!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Hey, did y'all know that Paul is a vet?! (On my season...) insert eyeroll emoji.
Thanks for your continued blogging Jamie, even though the cast is useless and insufferable.

Jamie said...

#PaulsaVet lol
And you're welcome, thanks for the appreciation! :)

Sammie said...

Wonder if they even realize how dumb that sounds... there are three pairs in the house, Paul ties to everyone, Kevin tied to no one. Get Kevin out. The pair that you put on the block will definitely not go after you next week... If you don't sent Kevin home now, he might put up one of the other pairs (Josh/Christmas). If I'm Jason, I'm thinking so what? Good. If Kevin does it, then I don't have to. If Paul is saying to Jason that he wants Kevin gone to save another pair, that's basically saying he wants that pair more than Jason (which is true). God, these people are so dumb... if Jason gets Kevin out, he deserves to go next week for being stupid.

Susie said...

Thank you Jamie for this thankless blog and best wishes for Bella.....

TruBEE said...

I don't get it. First jason said he wanted to take raven down and put Kevin up,but Paul was against it. Now paul and Alex are pushing jason to do it and Jason doesn't want to..WTF??? First Paul doesn't want it then he does. Make up your mind.

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