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Friday, August 25, 2017

Nominations Ceremony (spoiler)

Today at around 5:45pm BBT, the HG's had their Nominations Ceremony. And the results are in...

Nominated for Eviction is:

So there was no big shock today, as Matt and Raven were planned to go up on the block. Of course, they think that they're just pawns and that Kevin is the target, but Matt is Jason's actual target this week and as long as he doesn't win veto, he'll be seeing Cody, Elena and Mark in the jury house come Thursday night.

In other news, the Temptation Tree came alive earlier and nobody picked an apple. Paul even mentioned that the twist is a flop because there's no cash reward possibilities with it. Production is probably hating the fact that there's very little game talk, no fights, and the twist is a dud. Womp, womp. I'm guessing they'll be showing a ton more older footage from this season like they did the other night (by showing footage from over a month ago to use as filler. lol)

I'll be back tomorrow with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the $6 live feeds!!

Stay tuned...
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Susie said...

Instead of repeat
s, I like to see their families, like Josh's the other night.

BEBE said...

Your right raven needs to go before matt i wish someone would step up and stop letting Paul run all the HOH's if there no careful he will go to the end and win the money

Jen said...

I LOVE BB no look forward to it every year. Even I think they should just end the season and give Paul a check. What is wrong with these people? Paul really can't be faulted, he's the only one playing and they are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. I want either an All-Star Season, or a completely new cast - no mix! I want to see GAME! I also want to see real people who love this game, not "pretty" people who have no idea what it is.

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