Moving on..
The Temptation Comp was today and the winner is...
Winner of the Temp Comp is:
(Matt lost is the 3rd Nom)
Also, the HG's had their nomination ceremony tonight and the feeds just came back on a little bit ago. Let's see who Alex nominated:
Nominated for Eviction:
Jason is a pawn and offered to go up as a pawn earlier, because Paul simply didn't want to be a pawn. Jason said he's fine with it, and then Paul asked if it's really okay because if it's not, then he'll go up. Why on earth any houseguest in the history of Big Brother would ever volunetter to go up on the block because someone else was too scared to, is puzzling to me. I'm truly baffled. But I suspect it was Jessica's parting words yesterday during her eviction speech (when she put the spotlight on Paul being the one to get out soon) is what left Paul shook and now doesn't trust his own team that is in control of all the votes.
Elena is expendable this week, if Cody ends up being safe.
Paul & Co. are trying to backdoor Cody, hence why he's not up on the block in hopes that Cody won't get picked to play for veto and thus, leaving his game dead in the water.
Scenario: If Mark plays for veto and wins it, he could possibly save Elena and then Alex would have to put up another nom..Cody. Or he could not use it and keep from Alex making another nom that would be Cody. We'll have to see who plays for Veto tomorrow and who wins!
I'll be back in the morning with the Overnighter!! Enjoy the live feeds...which are free for 1 month now with coupon code BB19SALE.
Stay tuned...
How can Mark save Cody if he's not on the block?? Veto can only be used on someone that is nominated right???
He wouldn't use it so no replacement nom.
If Mark wins he can choose not to use the veto which in theory would keep Cody safe.
Whomever wins Veto can someone off the block, including themselves.
What ???? Cody would only be on the block if he was placed there by Alex AFTER the POV was played . If Mark wins POV he might use it to save Elena and them Cody could go up . Right ??
CORRECTION: save Elena, not Cody. I fixed it.
Mark can't play he won the temp comp
Is Matt throwing all these comps or could he literally not hit sand if he fell off a camel???
It would be great if Cody was picked for Veto comp, won, took Elena off, and that would leave all three of them to play in HOH next and put Paul OTB.
How amazing would it be if Cody got picked to play, won veto, and saved Elena?! One can only dream.....
But Cody isn't on the block and can only be backdoored by someone using the Veto to take someone off and then Cody is the replacememt
Thank you I was confused over how he could save Cody
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