Since I took off yesterday, I was hoping there were a few things that changed but predicted, Matt...who is on the block..will use his veto to pull Jason off the block. This will allow Alex to put up Cody as the replacement nom and then backdoor him, which was
In other news..
Cody has been trying to be social and then tried to talk Alex into drawing a line in the sand and then going after Paul. She seemed a little interested at the thought at first, but nope..she's on Team Paul. Cody tried twice yesterday: once at 6:35pm BBT and then again at 10:39pm BBT. At least he tried.
Today is the Veto Ceremony, where Matt will take Jason off the block and Alex will then make Cody the renom. Ho hum. Paul & Co are already looking into the next HOH comp, which they suspect will be a Double Eviction. (*Yep.) They're all gonna put up Mark/Elena and target Mark. Elena will be the backup plan. So unless Mark/Elena win HOH, and assuming Cody is gone, then one of them will be going. After that, it's the Paul show for the rest of the season until these idiots figure out that all 8 of the can't be in the Final 2 together.
Like I reported on Saturday, Jessica is out of the house and very active on Twitter. She's been watching the live feeds non-stop. Here's a clip that Jess recorded of Cody telling her he loves and misses her. Elena is picking her nose as her way of telling Jessica she misses her, by the way. lol
LOVE THEM.— Jessica Graf (@theejessicagraf) August 14, 2017
She said on on Instagram Live that when her/Cody see each other, he's gonna stay in California for a little bit and then they're going to go back to Iowa (where Cody lives) and hangout with his family. They've been in touch since her eviction. She also stated that before she saw how nasty Paul is on the feeds (hearing him behind closed doors now), she thinks he's a piece of sh*t. She also strongly dislikes Raven and Josh. Oh, and Alex. Just a bit. ;)
#BB19 Needs a hot dog time right about now 😏 Wake the bitch up!— Jessica Graf (@theejessicagraf) August 14, 2017
What Jessica is talking about, by the way, is Alex's punishment she got from the Prizes & Punishments Veto Comp on Saturday.
Jason got the "X-tremetard" costume, Alex has to camp and make hot dogs for the HG's, as Christmas/Paul are strapped together for 2 days in parachute outfits.
And last but not least...
In funny news, Alex said how Cody mentioned this season is a dud (as Cody/Mark talked about yesterday) and Paul said if this season is indeed a dud, its "because of Cody". (*
**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony, where Cody will get backdoored and then Paul & his dogs will talk about how much they hate Cody, still talk crap on Jessica even though she's not even in the house anymore, and then talk about targeting Mark/Elena, while the others help Paul win Big Brother 19. I'm not even kidding.
Stay tuned...
It was sad to see Cody seal his fate by getting one right on the temp comp.
It is crazy that all these ppl think they can ride or die with Paul. As Jessica said, they are stupid. At this point I don't see anyone putting him up...he's going to win.
Since Cody is leaving, I'm pulling for Mark now.
Soooooooooooo dumb to have the veto and not use it on eye roll. Wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be great if the vote was flipped and Matt went home because he didn't use the veto? O wait..that would mean this season would be interesting. Thanks for the recap, Jaime! I hope for your sake something happens to shake the house up!
I've figured it out!!!! BB is actually GENIUS!!!! They've combined BB and THE TWILIGHT ZONE!!!!! It's going to be revealed on finale night as the final twist of the season! Aww shucks, these guys...and here I thought BBCBS were just bad.
Is this the first time someone on the block has won the veto and pulled someone else off?
omg - thanks for the update! these people are just morons - it seems like a group would form with cody to go against paul and be known for a big move! that's how you win the game - do they have any clue why they are even there, except for jury?
No, 2nd I believe. Evel dick with his daughter bb8.
I don't really blame Alex for not turning on Paul yet. He's still a more dependable ally for her at this point than Cody would be. She's not dumb; I think she knows she's going to have to get Paul out before the end. Right now though, he's still a stronger ally for her than anyone else she could flip to.
Attempt at provoking thought:
If matt were to pull himself off as suggested he would be signaling to everyone that he isnt on board after putting himself on the block to gain trust. He would immediately be in cody's position, playing alone against a house and trying to convince people join him, which they wouldnt.
He would then need to win comps the rest of the season.
Does this really seem like solid strategy to everyone?
They dont call themselves an alliance but they are indeed aligned, so while you may continue to say this is paul's strategy but it is alex's also. You dont break an alliance intil it is the right time. You cant win the game alone and i am continually disappointed in the slant and short sided strategy that seems to be favored here. Here's to hoping fans realize the game isnt suddenly over in two weeks, that only one person is voted out each week by the majority and you dont win unless your social game keeps you in that majority!
I have been reading the blog for years but this is my first time commenting, because I just have to say this. These people are seriously going to go down as the dumbest BB players of all time!
Jamie, why no mention of Cody confiding in Kevin about his daughter and brother and then Kevin telling everyone after Cody asked him to keep it between the two of them? I lost a lot of respect for Kevin with that. Especially when he joined in with Paul and his minions saying that Cody was making it all up to get sympathy. These people really are the worst!
Brendon didn't pull Rachel off once?
If Cody was smart, he would get in Matt's ear, tell him to use the veto on himself so Cody stays, then form a "showmance" alliance in honor of Jessica with Matt, Raven, Mark and Elena, and go after Paul. He needs to remind these people that if Paul gets to the end, he wins (or should). Cody just doesn't seem to know how to play Big Brother. Well, hell, none of them do, really. I'm surprised production hasn't stepped in to try to save Cody since he is so well-liked now (I'm still not a big fan).
I can't beleive how happy these idiots are to just to make the jury. Watching these people being so stupid makes my head hurt.
Hi Jamie! Thank you for your blog. I've followed it for several years but never commented. However, this season totally amazes me. I've never seen a larger group of lemmings with the exception of Cody (and at times, Mark). I find it interesting that not one of Paul's group has suggested that he go up as a pawn. Of course, I guess they wouldn't be a lemming if they did that. I can't wait for the collective light bulb to go on and they all realize what they've allowed to occur. But by that time, I suspect it will be too late. Maybe Paul will buy a round of drinks after he collects $500,000.
Curious ... on twitter I was watching Jessica's q&a from Insta and she mentioned Alex is a home wrecker. Does anyone know anything about that?
Also, what's up with Kevin and XMas? Yikes. So outta line.
Brendon did with Rachel in bb13 also
Didn't Brendon pull Rachel off the block when they were both nominated in bb11?
Totally forgot! I ranted about kev doing that over on Twitter but never blogged it. Will do!
I love the fact that Paul got all paranoid and pissy Saturday night when Cody was interacting with everyone when he (Paul) was just saying the day before that he felt bad for the guy (Cody) because he was isolated and wasn't interacting and that it didn't have to be like that and then when Cody goes and becomes social again then he's all paranoid about it. What a putz!
To flip the house:
Matt would need to speak with mark, cody, raven and kevin and get all of them on board to form an alliance against paul, xmas, josh, jason, and alex. Without any of them they wont have the votes.
If it was me i wouldnt bring up paul to make it happen initially, i would gather mark elena raven together and pitch them an alliance inside the core of the 'house alliance'
The problem is kevin, they would need his vote but he would use the info to get favor pretty much right away and the thing would be blown.
I dont see how they could keep it hidden before veto or get kevin on board without him blowing it up.
The problem is they need one more person to have the votes and even if all of those did agree, nobody else is flipping.
Wow jessica is a continual disappointment.
I completely agree that people are being very one-sided here. Cody and Jess were huge jerks. They had no social game, just laying around all day. I'm no Paul fan, but jeez, Cody is so boring and just uncomfortable to watch sometimes. I lost all respect for Jess for latching on to a guy and ruining her game because she "fell in love" in 2 days. She was strong, confident, and I was really rooting for her- then Cody. Not sad for her, she should have paid more attention to her game than worrying about stroking Cody's, ummm, ego. one wants to put Paul up as a pawn right now because they are afraid their shepherd would be in danger, hence their own game would be in danger.
People ask why no one considers aligning with Cody but the answer to that is that each and every one of them thinks "they" are the one that is Paul's strongest ally. So stupid! I really was hoping that Alex would think it was a good idea to align with Cody but whoever said it above, she feels that she can trust Paul more than Cody at this point. Can't blame her for that now.
Yes, Kevin is disappointing that he lost the will to work with Cody and is repeating everything. This whole house has a need to repeat everything everyone says to them. I had hopes for Kevin before and thought he would get my vote for AFP. Sad to see him going downhill.
I do hope that Alex makes a bold move before long because she does realize Paul is a threat but that by sticking with him thus far, she has gotten far in the game. Hey, they ALL have gotten further because of Paul, except Cody/Jess and the "unpopular" kids.
Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but once they get Cody out of the house maybe they'll actually start playing the game?
They should make the jury house a dump so these idiots would be less excited to go sit and do nothing and play the game more.
Is disgusting how they treat Cody he faught for the country
It's disgusting how they treat Cody he faught for our country
Been reading your blog for years but seldom post. It's really hard to watch anymore, it's just soooo boring. When Cody goes it will be even more boring. Really, no one deserves the money. I can't even root for Kevin anymore after the things he's done. Josh needs some professional help. The rest are mindless followers!
Don't forget Marcellas used it in Amy and got voted out! That is epic BB history!
It's because of Alex's goodbye message to Jessica. She told Jessica that "she would keep him company" or something to that effect in a very snarky way.
Every year people say how dumb houseguests are. I still do not understand the Jess/Cody love. I mean I get you don't like Paul. But it's not his fault everyone will do what he says. He has been loyal to those loyal to him.
Remember, Cody drew first blood. And has been a jerk as well.
I think it was fair Paul had a week or two safety. three was a bit long, but as a vet, he would be a target week one, then why bother bringing him on the show?
At this point Josh is worse than Cody. He can dish it but not take it.
Really, lets give Paul the 500k, Alex the 50k and call it a day.
BTW, is 50k really all that much? If they get 1k per week and make it to the end, isn't that about 12k?
and after taxes you get about 35k?. I could not quit my job for 35k. or afford to miss that much time and not get paid enough to pay the bills? am i missing something, how does an adult do this?
I wish American can be given a chance to vote who will be evicted for the next two weeks
I wish Americans can be given a chance to vote to evict this week
I have watched bb since I was young, but I have never see HG who just follows and not play the game. Oh my gosh they are all making dumb moves. Bring back jess and prevent Cody leaving
WOW, Jessica is just as nasty outside the house as she was inside the house. Cody will have his hands full. Matt is smart to use the veto on Jason and allow Alex to backdoor Cody. And I agree that Paul is a much better ally than Cody would be. The Paul alliance will crack. Who will strike the first blow? Who will Paul take a swing at and precipitate a split? I think Matt may have more game in him than he has been letting on.
If cbs dont quit bringing theses vets in im gonna stop watching. The vets are going to win if they dont vote them out first.
I have quit watch the show. They people are beyond stupid. Thanks for the updates Jamie. This way I knows what is happening without having to listen or look at paul.
Cody would have had the numbers with the showmances plus Kevin if he could pull him over. He just didn't seem to try that hard!
There are no more big moves to be made. None of them care about winning. Even putting Paul up now would be anticlimactic. I said last season was the worst ever....I stand corrected
So sad how Paul and Matt fist bumped in front of Cody. I mean come on guys, he knows everyone wants him out. Why rub it in. Plus why is it ok for Paul and co to talk game but when Mark hangs out with Cody, Xmas gets in his face about it. Same thing to Kevin. Kevin's eating breakfast giving Cody some advice and he's team gives him the third degree about it. These people have bullied from the beginning. Remember Megan. Everyone says Cody isolates himself, these people exclude him. I've said my peace-for now.😁
Fun to watch that for sure Jnine!!!
Paul is so flippin paranoid it is nauseating to listen to! As long as it is Paul making ALL the descions on who to talk to, who to bang pots and pans at, Who to make paranoid then you are good in his books!
But how he has gone about making people do crazy crap in the house make my skin crawl.
He is such a jealous MF! I would have loved CBS to have brought in a lady that was willing first, to be planted to try and be in
showmance with Paul. Oh .... wait a minute probably would never happen.
No wonder they gave him 4 weeks safely ... bloody hell!!
Has anyone of those idiots thought that if they keep Cody in for the numbers alone that even if he made it to the end he would never win ....the big one! It wouldn't happen!
Alex, Jason, please wake up already!!!!
Oh right ... you are too far up Paul's butt to see clearly!!! Somebody please tell CBS that they should have named this the Paul BB19 special ...
At least Evil Dick .... did everything up front and in your face! Not hiding behind other other peeps confessing how hard it was last summer. He didn't win because the other players saw him for who he really was once they got into Jury!
I hope that happens again if he makes it all the way ...bloody hell... second best is all he deserves if any!!!!
Jessica has been very ugly on Twitter and obviously thinks so very much of herself. Bye girl!
Let's be honest here...Cody was never ever a good player of the game. His first week as HOH sealed his fate! It's sad how the house is cliqued up...we have a house filled with Non-players and only four actually playing the game.
Paul, Alex, kevin, and Mark.
Mark is floating back and forth...but that is the game! Floaters make it far...and the good ones know when it's time to play the game harder (he's doing just that)
Kevin is now floating his way through as well. But is not as obvious. (He's my sleeper to win it)
The house better take its first opportunity to backsoor Paul because they can get to the point where it will be impossible to get him out. (Production does a great job at catering comps as it gets later in the season)
I can wait till it's only the "clique" left and they start eating each other alive.
Elaina is the next one out
Matt has no chance...he's terrible at this game
Raven will just be plucked off when needed (a la Danielle)
Jason isn't a threat and will leave via Paul
Christmas is not deserving (hasn't done a thing all season)
Josh is the next big target that everyone will let slide to the next week cause they will expect the next HOH to get rid of..(final 5 candidate)
That's my take....and I can't wait for it to end
If anyone thought for themselves, they would keep Cody. If he's sitting next to anyone in final 2, the other person would win. No one would vote for him.
Boy, Paul is sure worked up about Cody campaigning against him. When someone is OTB, aren't they supposed to campaign? Oh wait, Cody isn't allowed to, especially against Paul.
I notice that whenever Paul gets scared of another HG and feels threatened, he calls them homey.
I think she's just talking about her goodbye video. " I'll take care of Cody". Lol, what happen with Kevin and xmas?
I think she's just talking about her goodbye video. " I'll take care of Cody~Alex" Lol, what happen with Kevin and xmas?
I like Cody but he deserves to go home. He has an absolutely horrible social game and he's lucky to even make it to jury. To be honest, I think Alex is the one these house guests are going to really regret not getting out earlier. She's an excellent competitor and is closely aligned with the puppet master of the house (Paul). She has no real enemies in the house now that Jess is gone. She could easily win this game.
Jason would tell Alex & Maven is brainless imo.
I'm praying Mark or Elena wins HOH 😎
Totally over this season.
Why are people so on Jessica's bandwagon. She's a mean girl and manipulative. And she always calls people out for what they do and she never acknowledges anything she does. She's just as much of a bully as josh and Paul.
Totally agree Leslie
Kevin (a married man) snuggles with her. He's told Jason that he thinks he may be falling in love with her. He tried to kiss her on the lips in the storage room, where she turned her head and gave him her cheek. He talks to her about how he can't wait to get to jury with her, where there are no cameras watching. They had a "date" in the backyard, where Xmas said "I don't want to make your wife upset". But did it anyway. He gave Jason tips on how to have an affair and not get caught. That's what I've seen.
His behavior is no good in my opinion. He's been married for 31 years. His poor wife who's watching.
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