Time for the show!!
9:00pm ET:
Welcome to Big Brother! Show begins...
9:10pm ET:
Footage of Matt/Raven going off on Jason, for Jason not pulling Raven off the block when he told her he would.
9:20pm ET:
Kevin vs Josh fight
9:25pm ET:
Jury house footage!!!!!!!!
Elena said she actually missed Mark. (*I'm seriously shocked. lol)
9:40pm ET:
Time for the Votes!
Alex votes to evict..MATT
Kevin votes to evict..MATT
Paul votes to evict...MATT
Xmas votes to evict..MATT
Josh votes to evict...MATT
Evicted from the BB House is:
Julie just confirmed the finale is Sept 20th!! (*Which means, my blogging job will be done in 2 weeks, since the last week of BB nothing happens.)
9:55pm ET:
For the first time in BB history, the HOH is delayed because of rain! The backyard is covered in plastic and they have to wait until the rain passes, so Julie is just asking questions to the HG's.
9:59pm ET:
Next Thursday is a Double Eviction!!!
**End of Show**
Enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
Josh 'realizes' what paul just told him. Serious brainpower!
Just found out. For West Coast viewers, BB will be on at 1:00 am due to pre-season football on CBS.
Honestly, at this point I'm just watching this train wreck of a season just to see how much more they can prove to be the worst cast in the history of the show.
What truly gets me, is that if all of Paul's minions wouldn't have been so disgustingly horrid BULLIES then Paul would have ended up getting credit for playing them all so very but he played into their mob mentality of meanness and that's just awful.
Julie's cuffs. Lol
Every year people think "this cast is the worst in history..."
Pre season football is on where I live. Did they show footage of Jason's awful comments?
What is Wil gonna do with those cuffs!!!! Roll on episode 8 of saga!!
That's really it.
This is a mob mentality take over. Otherwise Paul would be considered a brilliant operative.
It's been a social experiment from the beginning.
I think the audience should just boo at every chance they get the rest of the season.
Seriously. Wtf was Julie wearing?
WTH was she wearing? 2 dustmops? That looked ridiculous.
OMG!! I was thinking the same thing about those cuffs Victoria. I was like Wil is going to destroy Julie on Big Brother the Saga.
I can't wait for this season to be over. Agreed--worst cast EVER! I can't believe the lengths Alex has gone to...among others. I actually liked her the first few shows but that has long since changed. She is an incredibly ruthless person. (I personally do like Kevin and hope he gets AFP over the final players in the household.)
Holy fur Batman!! I'm SO glad you posted this because SOMEHOW I did not even notice while watching!! Just had to rewind and check it out for myself. Wow. She can literally look good in ANYTHING.
Me too I like Kevin I don't know how he hasn't just walked out. I would have went to dairy room and left. This is a horrible season of BB. Maybe I have outgrown it. I really can't stand it.
Just stop the show
Call it off kick HG out.
Paul played into the mob mentality? More like he created it. Alex is the meanest one in the house but I don't see her as a leader. Yes, she bosses Jason around but that's about it. She is doing whatever Paul tells her to. It was Paul who suggested a code word to say to signal it is time for everyone to go ham on Kevin. However Paul has backed off on Kevin lately as he now wants him to stick around for final 4. Alex thinks if she loses this year she can come back next year and win. When are they gonna wake up and see that Paul instigates fights and then sits back for the most part and even does some consoling in order to salvage jury votes? If Alex comes back next year I may have to pull an Elvis and shoot out my TV.
I understand those of you who watch the feeds are unhappy with behavior of the people they put in the house but as I have said earlier this is a social experiment, they said that the first season, maybe the show has run it's course.
With that said who is the new HOH, they showed football here too. 😀
Watching them go after the next victim literally gives me anxiety! BB should be fun...Not raise my blood pressure!!!
Cuffs? I thought they were lampshades! #Julie
What were those things?! 😂😂😂
Matt and Raven... worst players ever! All they did was let Paul play the game for them. When they go back and watch this season they may wonder how they lasted this long!!!
Did anyone else notice the intense silence Matt got in his exit interview with Julie? Like when he clapped alone after Raven's goodbye message...it was particularly evident
Was it just me or was there crazy silence for Matt post-eviction? He did not have the crowd on his side at all
I am so sick of Paul wearing a floatie. So of course Alex wore one too. Paul thinks he is hilarious, but he is just a loudmouth boor.
I couldn't agree more about Alex. She has turned out to be a total disappointment Not only as a player but as a human being.
1st thought when I saw those cuffs: "Julie watches Wil's SAGAs and is totally throwing him a bone.I can just imagine him taking a pair of those furry boots soccer moms were wearing a few seasons ago, cutting them up, and wearing them on his wrists!"
2nd thought: "How sad that even the host of the show has to find an interesting way to make it through this season..."
3rd thought: "Love how Julie's interview questions are setting this idiot up nicely for when he finds out the truth of what America thinks of him and his girl."
The silence in the audience spoke volumes (when Cereal Killer detailed his dream vacation plans...which we all know will never happen) and the nervous laughter and initial cheers sounded fake and canned.
Final thought: "These people have sucked all the enjoyment out of the guilty pleasure that was once BB...throwing comps and not playing to win disgusts me. That is not a strategy...that is a lazy cop out! I teach 10-year-olds with greater emotional maturity than Josh, Alex, and Paul combined!"
9/20 can't get here soon enough...
Christmas scooting after Josh is the best!!!! Oh and Raven swearing on her "pacemaker" I almost died from laughter
OK - great comments - I was laughing at all the same!
- I thought oh Wil is going to have fun with that shirt and those lampshades at the end of her arms
- Notice that Jason got a pretty free ride on the show - none of the horrible things he said were there
- Jamie - the most useless player in history - ha!
- Yep, just wait until Matt finds out who Raven truly is - when he was talking about her I couldn't believe what he was saying and that she could win!!
- and yes, those floaty things are just not funny
That's because it is. CBS casts worse players each year. I can't imagine a worse cast than this one though.
I was thinking they looked like cats or squirrels. Maybe a stuffed animal...lol
The "cuffs"!!!!! Even my partner, who never comments on fashion, asked what the hell is she wearing. Best line of the whole night ... Matt's interview: "I think that Paul and RAVEN are playing the best game of every one in the house." Nearly peed myself I was laughing so hard. Those 2 deserve each other ... they are both completely delusional!
I can't wait to see Wil recreate these!
I just saw last night's episode (Thanks to the NFL)
I don't know why Julie was wearing those sleeves, but I'm betting that it had something to do with a low-talker.
Haha yes!!!
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