Watch BB19!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Happy Tuesday, everybody! The Overnighter is late because I'm not sure what to post..I'm not sure if I want to post anymore. I'm a huge fan of Big Brother the game, but the game has been the same week in and week out since..well..the beginning. I'm just so over it, as a fan of the show.

We have Christmas/Josh/Alex/Matt/Raven/Jason (and sometimes Kevin/Mark/Elena) all playing for Paul to win BB19. Throw in 4 evictions of safety for Paul the 1st month of BB19, Cody being forced to nominated 1/3 of the house Week 1, and twists in Paul's favor (like BB bringing back the comps that Paul won last season) and I'm just over it. lol Ugh.

While I love to blog about fights and drama, I don't like to recap about verbal abuse, watching several people play for one houseguest to win (*so boring), watching Paul stir stuff up by getting everyone to attack others in the house (such as Josh attacking Jessica the day of her fathers passing, which he did on purpose) and calling Cody's military service into question...all of these are not game related things. This is just horrible and it's painful to watch, and it's utterly dreadful to write about.

According to the ratings, I'm not alone in this: 1.25 million viewers stopped watching in the past week alone. (Sunday to Sunday) I'm hoping that this is a clear message to production (that we've been telling them for several years now), to never bring back a vet. Ever. Again. All-Stars or newbies. Pick one.

On a game note...
Cody tried to socialize and find a way to stay, only be shot down at every turn. He knows he's done and there's nothing he can do about it except to keep trying before he leaves the house on Thursday. In an odd twist of events, Paul & Co. got upset that Cody was even trying to save his BB life. The horror. *eye roll*

At 11:30pm BBT, Josh asked Cody if he's trying to flip the votes to stay in the house. Cody deflected, saying he knew he was getting backdoored a week ago and how he doesn't have a chance to stay or flip votes in his favor.

Not getting the response that Josh was looking for, he then sought out Mark to get the attention he needs and starts a fight with him. (11:40pm BBT)

In other news, looks like Paul/Xmas/Alex/Josh are Paul's Final 4 and they are all sketched out about Kevin these days, so watch as they push him away from their core alliance. Mark/Elena are the next targets after Cody leaves, then Matt/Raven or possibly Kevin will be next in line to go. Our only hope for a week of entertainment, is to hope that Mark wins HOH Thursday and puts up Alex/Paul like he said yesterday he would.  The house needs a major shake up and I'm hoping the Double Eviction this Thursday will help do just that.

They all know Paul's the ringleader, it's not like he's misting them (*BB Dan reference), they just don't care. Matt just wants to get to jury, (seriously, he's said this multiple times) Raven is only on BB to allegedly con money from BB fans for her $200,000 GoFundMe fundraiser, Christmas gave up her hex power for Paul's game even though it would've been best for her own game to keep it, as Matt threw away the veto he won to save Jason from the block even though he (Matt) was on the block (*stupid game move), and Alex has said more times than I can count that she doesn't even want to win this season because she hopes to come back next year and have that be her winning season. *head desk*

Is Paul the only playing the game (now that Cody/Jess will be gone)? Yes. Does it matter? Nope. Not when you have 99% of the houseguests helping you win, it doesn't matter. Frankly, Paul doesn't even need to try. He could just hangout with them for the next month and then collect his prize money. lol

Every week is the same week:
Paul wants Cody out, Josh hates Elena, they all talk crap about Jessica, Josh picks a fight for attention (with optional cryfest afterwards for more attention), Raven makes up something else that she's dying from, and Matt is there watching all of this as he eats his 4 bowls of cereal during the day and getting Raven to 'lend him a hand' at night.

Rinse & repeat.

What do you guys think? Tell me in the comment section.

Stay tuned...
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Chrissi said...

Agree 100%. It's like you are in my brain!

Razldazlrr said...

Agreed - painful for you I am sure! I have said the same thing many times - either have all newbies or all returning players - do not mix them up!

And how about they have some true fans of the show on there. Ask them questions about past seasons and past players. Oh, and deeper background and psycho tests!

I had high hopes for this season but it just seems like it's been rigged and manipulated by production. For whatever reason, they definitely wanted paul to stay.

Do these people come on hoping to become a star or get their faces seen? I had high hopes for this cast in the beginning but what a flop they have been!

TeriPie said...

You nailed it Jamie! Exactly how I feel! Someone had a good comnent/idea earlier in a post n said " take away jury n let them fight for the win". I agree...I'm tired of " just want to make it to jury". And I'm tired of Paul. He knows when to play up to the cameras then there's his real side....Like who has the right to shush grown adults!He a piece of work!( not the word I wanted to use)

Steve Robbins Art said...

I'm too committed to stop watching. But I'm constantly yelling at the tv screen, as my wife rolls her eyes again and again.

Seriously, if ZING!Bot is soft on Paul, that'll be the end for me.

Stevie said...

Agreed. Ugh.

Aa said...

Not sure what is wrong with my husband and I, but we are enjoying this season more than many in the past. Maybe because there are several we want out and we are big fans of Paul.

SDfan said...

I thought this was a great, diverse cast at the start. But bringing Paul back ended it all. I'm surprised they all (besides Jody) are on Paul's side. So stupid. Yes, they've made it far, but I don't see anyone else but Paul winning at this point.

I'm also disappointed in all the hate, the bullying, the belittling, etc. It's not pretty. I think it's nuts they all dislike Mark just because he has personal ties with Cody.

I liked the idea of the temptations but dislike that it ended. CBS can never do anything more than a few weeks. Also, why not have a double eviction before jury when they least expect it?

I don't blame you Jamie for being bored because we all are!

Anumol said...

Jessica's HOH was a waste..if she had tried gunning for Paul or Alex, things would have been different for her. Instead she went personal and went after Josh...

Kimberly said...

I am really upset about the game this year. I have watched in the past, and there have been things that have occurred that put me on the "edge" of not watching BB anymore, but I tough it out and have been back the next year to watch.

This is the first time that I am pushed over the "edge" and the reason why is because the game play is dreadful, the way Paul's dogs are treating others (esp Josh) is appalling. I am not a lofty, better than you person, the things that are said and done make me very uncomfortable.

There has been a lot of talk on social media about how people (like me, perhaps) need to "get over it" because it is game play. I can definitely attribute a lot of things to game play. But the way the hamsters are acting is just terrible, i can't get over it, so i guess i will change the channel.

I said on FB that if Cody is voted out on Thursday, I'm punching out for the rest of the there you have it....wish i had something more encouraging to say

elizabeth said...

Agree 100% I stopped watching I try to watch the episodes but I can't, it's so boring and predictable they have spent half the season talking about how much they hate Cody and Jessica it's old and boring and I'm over it.

Dancingqueen said...

You hit the nail on the head. It is almost like Alex came on thinking she would be a favorite and get to come back for more seasons, Elena wants to go far so she can get exposure and become famous, and Raven thinks she is loved by America and several people will donate money to her. Paul thought that since he had lots of fans last year that everyone would love him again this year. He even said something to the extent of America probably not giving Cody or Jessica a temptation because he (Paul) doesn't like them. Between production rigging everything because they want Paul to win and Paul's huge ego and bullying, this season is difficult to watch.

Jamie, I don't know how you do it each day. You are amazing!

Unknown said...

ya'll are funny... then stop watching if ya'll don't like it. can't blame Paul if they are allowing him to roll. I don't think he will win it but i love the game he's playing. i've always been rooting for alex. this season is no different than other seasons

Pablos puppy said...

The game was rigged from the get go with Pablo getting a freebie pass for a month.Under the guide that America voted to give him that pass,,,,huh he was the only known player at that time! Poor Cody was dead man walking from day 1 because of it.

Katydidc said...

1st everybody says it's just a game, I don't know of any game that people would be allowed to act like this.
2nd They need to never use the phrase expect the unexpected again because that's a joke
3rd Paul maybe has just goofed, he's sending Cody out 1st, then Mark & Elena, then Kevin that's 4 people in jury by them selves to start talking about all the crap that's gone down (that aren't Paul's dog pact) 1 more & he loses unless he takes Josh to the end

GMAGS said...

Agreed 100%.....The only hope of this season being saved is Mark winning HOH and targeting Paul/Alex.

Anonymous said...

I kinda have to agree with Allison Andrews. For the most part, we are enjoying this season of BB as well. There are villains, bullies, liars, slobs, floaters, etc. you love to hate every year. From what I've seen, Jessica and Cody are just as nasty and vile as the rest of them. They brought on their isolation and played a piss poor game. Jessica is still spewing her hate outside the house on twitter. To me, she's the epitome of a pretty, mean girl. I just feel like production plays such a large part in what they want to happen, so I often give the HGs the benefit of the doubt. They're playing a role in a semi-scripted reality show.

Please don't give up, Jamie. I've followed you since Day 1 and love your blog (and your opinions). There are always ups and downs with this show and situations that aggravate and irritate people. Love ya, girl - keep it going!

Lyles Movie Files said...

Jamie, this has been a rough watch for me too. It's like the whole house is happy to wait until they're no longer useful to the rest of the house. Mark is the only hope to turn the tide.

I had such high hopes for Alex, but she's not the plucky spunky likable underdog, she's just Scrappy Doo. Annoying and ineffective.

I've been rewatching BB12, which had a similar couple vs house dynamic, but was played much better and more entertaining.

Unknown said...

100% accurate

Maizrim said...

I have to agree with Louis. In my opinion Paul's game this year is no different than Derrick's a few season's ago - he is this season's puppet master, but he's just doing it differently.

Yes he is doing it more abrasively, overt and at times (when needed) over the top - but it works in a house where Josh can be seen as a bully to another bully. We have seen folks talk about it - they do know what is going on, but they getting out the showmances first IMO. (Jason and Mark talked about Paul over a game of chess just the other night on BBAD)

If anything Paul is a master of deflection, which I thought was put on display brilliantly when Jessica/Cody didn't try to backdoor him just 3 weeks ago. Not my favorite cast, but definitely not a waste of time like everyone seems to say at this point each season.

GMAGS said...

You know it's a bad season when the our only hope of things getting interesting is dependent on Mark!

Unknown said...

Jamie, I come here just to read your awesome commentary and anything I've missed on Big Brother. You're 100% correct on everything you've said today these people really need to step it up if you want money. I assume they must be rich since they don't care if they loose at this point and getting to jury is not an accomplishment making big moves and winning is!
You're best comment so far "oh the horror". I almost made a ruckus in front of my desk at work.

BBWatcher said...

I still watch it and will keep on watching it, but it is painful to say the least. They definitely shouldn't mix previous years players with rookie players. Maybe Paul will slip up.

CSK said...

I wonder if we are dealing with two different groups of people. The CBS only viewers who see a watered down version of the real show. They see people as they are edited to see them and they like returning vets because they were usually fan favorites in their previous seasons. Vets give that group someone from the start to root for. This in turn creates return viewers, who will watch the show week to week. This gives CBS the financial return (basically that's how they get their money).

But.... This is bad news for those of us in group two. We are the live feed watchers. We tend to have different opinions than CBS only watchers. We have a more un-edited version of house events and the houseguest themselves. We do not always agree on who we root for and we can (and do) argue with each other over house events, but we do see what is really happening without as much interference from production.

So I understand why CBS brings the vets back --- $$$$$

But there are many of us who want a game without as much interference. A Vet has so many advantages. They can see what's coming, they often know the competitions (because they have played them before), and they know certain production people by name. This can make it hard for production to stay neutral. Paul has even mentioned this during BB19.

So I am in favor of no returning Vets. Except for an all-star season. I am also in favor of changing the jury situation. Make them really expect the unexpected!!!

kb said...

I did not like Cody/Jessica at all but I don't like Paul either. I guess am rooting for anyone but him after eviction tomorrow. Kevin would be my pick!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jamie, for the update; Paul need to be out and may be we will star watching the game again. Otherwise no need because we already know who is the winner. Pleeeeeeese CBS save this season

Unknown said...

Hey, Love your blog, because it's directly to the point,easy to read, has ALL the highlights I need.

And, I'm in TOTAL agreement about Vets! I told my friends before the season even started, I hope they don't bring back Vets like they have been doing. I see a trend, where they are bringing back Second place finishers, and helping them win it all (i.e., Nicole).

And, Cody HAD Paul OUT by all rights, but it was so obvious from the beginning, that Production give Paul so many advantages. I see it every day, too.

I will stop watching, too, if Paul (aka Production) keeps this up.

Thanks again for your time!


Unknown said...

I'll repeat again- you are a saint for lasting as long as you did. I've tried to watch the feeds in the few breaks I have during the day and I just can't anymore. Kevin and Jason calling cody a piece of **** for not telling people about his daughter or dead brother and then acting like he made it up? That was the last straw for me. I'll probably just watch Wednesday episodes to see the POV comp and Thursday evictions. Some people say they love Paul and love this season. Why?! No more is there a surprise of who is going up. Now we have the HoH asking if it's ok if they nominate them. We have people (Matt) "I'm on the block as the 3rd nominee and I couldn't be happier." We have Josh and co super upset cause Mark used the veto on himself. Like is this real life?! At this point I'm hoping for Mark to take the game cause I just can't anymore. Honestly, get rid of the jury all together for future seasons and have America vote for the winner like we did with bb:OtT. And no more vets! Also, here's hoping cody (or hell even a Cameron) wins AFP just to piss off the rest of the house. Can't wait to watch the first few evicted houseguests and Julie tell them at the finale what a stupid game they played.

Jon said...

Well said, Jaime. I agree 100% with everything you said. Spot on.

sb said...

I would have to agree with KathyC and Maizrim. I think production has a huge hand in how things are handled and whether you like Paul or not, he is playing a good game just as others in the past. You can't blame him for CBS bringing him back, we all would jump at the chance to make $500,000!! It's too bad there weren't any other strong players in this season to give him a run for his money. Jessica and Cody are both strong but they are as vile as everyone else has been so I don't see the difference between the 2 other than it's just who you like and that's personal not game. (By the way, I don't support the attacks on Cody's military service at all. The problem is that when you are in a secluded environment where lying and manipulation are part of the game, people don't know what to believe)

If CBS would STOP bringing vets back and pick a better cast we wouldn't be in this situation. The fact that people can predict comps and can plan for what's coming is Paul throwing HOH last week because he wanted to be eligible for HOH in the double eviction that they are predicting this week, and they are right again. Maybe CBS needs new blood or they are going to kill Big Brother.

Steve Burton said...

Am I the only one who thinks Paul looks like and controls the house like Adolph Hitler did his people? I can't even get Jamie to open this up for discussion!! He's always manipulating people to do his dirty work. CBS should be ashamed for allowing Paul to BULLY people and make it ssoo personal.

Stevie said...

I would love to know... are there really Paul "fans" that watch the live feeds or are all of his fans strictly just watching the show? I just can't understand how he has fans this season. Watching him on the live feeds.... He's awful, truly.

Anonymous said...

100% agree. The show is TIRED!

Unknown said...

Nothing wrong with you. It's one of my favorite seasons. I like most of the house guests, except Jessica and Cody.

Unknown said...

Agree with you completely.

Unknown said...

You've read my mind completely. Thank you for typing it out.

rick said...

This is the first year that I've stopped watching the episodes. Usually when the feeds have been boring I would still enjoy seeing everyone's DR's.. But this year absolutely sucks.

elizabeth said...

Derrick wasn't a bully for one, he didn't go around starting drama and hurting people emotionally

rigs said...

Come on people, this is season 19. By now potential guests know the game and how to best play it and that is what they are doing. When the game was new and unknown, it was unpredictable and exciting. Now that it is old and predictable, it is not as exciting but the manipulation and game play is there but in a more refined and knowledgeable way. Americans have become addicted to drama, over the top excitement and bashing each other. We love having enemies and being on the "right" side. This plays out outside of the Big Brother House day after day after day in a much more dramatic ways. When Americans "outgrow" (and we don't always grow in a good way) BB, it will be taken off the airways and a more dramatic and probably more vile show will appear. That being said, I don't think any season was worse than Dick Denato's season was. That was hard to watch and sub human.

Susie said...

I hate the diary room and all of their yelling... I only read addicted to see what is happening and if I do put the TV on, it is on mute, can't take the diary room, Josh or Paul...If they do America's favorite this year I have no idea. the last couple of yrs I have voted for the winner.

Unknown said...

The reason everyone wants to make it to Jury is because they get paid extra a week.

Unknown said...

That's 100% correct

sb said...

Yes, I watch the live feeds and I like Paul but that's just my opinion. I know others don't like Paul and that's okay with me, it would suck if we all had the same opinions. The horrible things Cody and Jessica have said are no worse than Paul, Josh and everyone else, they just isolated themselves and lost any influence they might have had in the house because of it. If they would have socialized with someone other than each other they might have been able to band people together and given Paul a run for his money. Instead they chose to isolate themselves and forgot it was a social game not the Bachelor. As time goes on memories fade.....remember season 15 with Aaryn, Amanda, GinaMarie and Andy? I think all that happened that season was much worse.

sb said...

Agree rigs....

Anonymous said...

Derrick had a way of convincing people that the moves they made were their own ideas. These HG's KNOW that everything they do is BECAUSE Paul wants it that way and need someone to tell them what to do. They are not being fooled one bit by Paul. They know exactly what they are doing and that is constantly following the leader and belittling whomever happens to be the topic of conversation and then going to someone else and talking about the other person. They are like what, Kindergarten mentality?

Paul's ability to pick 8 friends, have safety for four weeks, and having played the comps before kept people looking to him for advice. He didn't have to work them, other than Jody, they didn't know how to play on their own. Don't be mistaken in thinking that it's because he can schmooze with these people like Derrick. Derrick had some HG's with their own minds, not a house full of followers, who would have done the same for any returning vet who had an upper hand.

So sad to watch this and the reason most people have been watching is because we keep hoping that Cody (or Mark) will get the opportunity to pull the plug on the other side. Too bad Jess was temporarily blinded after her week in the house when Cody was gone. She was really trying to gain some footing and made a very bad move. At least Cody was never afraid to make a move.

daryl42 said...

Hahaha perfectly put. Lol you crack me up!

Pink Pat said...

Hi Jaime, I discovered your blog during BB18, I think this is the first time I've been moved to post.

I have a little bit of a different take. Is it possible that (1) this season it seems to us viewers that there's more bullying-type behavior than ever before, and (2) it bothers so many of us so much now might all be due to the racial and political problems, hate, anger, etc. going on in our country that have heightened over the last year?

There's certainly been bad behaviors from HGs in prior seasons, with bullying, racial and/or sexual orientation slurs -- but the mob mentality led by Paul has been so hateful. When added to the "real" world problems it makes it doubly difficult for me anyway. I have found that while Cody and Jessica may not be totally innocent in what's happened, it's simply disgusting and vile to see the hate and the piling on they had to endure.

When will these people realize how truly hateful they've been? When will everybody but Paul wake up and realize the goal's not to out-bully the other HGs, or to simply make it to jury and then help Paul win the $500K? And if CBS insists on interfering, as they do each season, then why don't they come up with a way to give Cody some kind of power like Jeff had, when he was able to put Jessie up and get him out? I know it's too late for that this week, but I guess I can hope.

All in all, I do think this is the worst season ever. I'm even starting to become very disappointed in Kevin, who had been my pick from the beginning. Sorry for the long rant, I guess I had a lot to say.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if BB would change up the comps where everyone in the house thinks..."oh this type of comp is this week" then BAM - gotcha! The predictability of BB is what kills the show - and the rif-raf they select to be housemates.

Psalms46:10 said...

Ohhhh can't wait for Zingbot!!!!!

Psalms46:10 said...

Maybe production will ask Cody back another season!!

Dianne said...

Every year for the past 3 years since I started reading this blog, it's been the same thing. At the beginning, commenters say the cast is great; by the middle it's awful & I don't want to watch anymore! As for bullying it's nothing new. Evel, Amanda, Aaryn were horrible. You put a bunch of people in a house together and don't let them out and Lord of the Flies is what you get. I would have gone off by now and would be kicked out. The meek guests who don't want to go against Paul are simply trying to survive. Sooner or later they will turn on each other.

Production came up with a bunch of creative new twists which I like. Another positive: No all male alliances! Remember Paulie constantly talking about clipping the girls, he was disgusting!

I do agree they should have saved Paul for All Stars, but no way am I going to stop watching.

I hope Mark or Elena win HOH.

jjdante said...

Could NOT have said it any better, Jamie. I'm so done with this season, with Paul, his minions, and the verbal abuse tactics. Is this what BB has become?!?!? If so, I guess CBS can take their 'game' show place it where the sun never shines. Each year has gotten worse, and now I'm ready to stop watching!!! And I also agree with changing things up so players don't know what's coming each week. Julie always starts the season by saying expect the unexpected. YET the same darn games, the same week of the season, are always played. How about CBS gets some intern to invent some new things for the house guests, so they DON'T know what's coming. They have at least 9 MONTHS to come up with something before the nexr season starts!!! (Sorry for the

BTW, I love your blog, and thank goodness you do it. Thank you so much for all the effort. I'm sure we all appreciate it!!!

Unknown said...

Great perspective. I don't think of the people who only watch the edited version. They don't get to see how much more production interferes each passing year

Anonymous said...

You know a season is bad when a diehard BB fan complains this much about it.

Razldazlrr said...

I just looked on Twitter and it showed Alex asking Cody if he REALLY has a child - really Alex - does Cody strike you as the kind of man that would joke around about it? geez

Unknown said...

@Jamie, always love your blog and mostly agree with you. in fact I partially do. I'll get to that #butfirst...

This isn't on Paul. I don't like the bullying, but besides that, it's not his fault 90% of the house want him to win. He was thrown in and at this point is prob even money in Vegas to win.

I do not get the Jess/Cody love. They were bullying when they had power. And as I said many times here, Cody drew first blood and turned his back on his alliance (by not telling anyone he was BDing Paul). And Jess may have been a good player had Cody not been there. But Cody brings nothing to the table besides comps. When he got back in the house, he didn't even try to make friends. It's a social game. He acted incredulous to the fact someone lied to him, right after he lied (by omission)about turning on Paul.

HE is partially to blame for the season. No one liked him, so they all wanted to get him out more than really play the game.

I DO agree, no more vets. or ALL vets. And production's interference is BS. IMO, ease up on the manufactured "twists".

and if you are going to have temptations, why punish the house when one person takes one? make the punishment for the temptee (is that a word?)

and the fact they let Josh run around with pots like a fool is sad. I think Paul, who I really liked, will be disappointed to find out how he was perceived.

Unknown said...

It is strange. I've never seen a group more excited about makIng jury. They are all sheep. The real fun is when they have to start picking each off. Let the tears flow.

TruBEE said...

I disagree. I think it is different for a few reasons. One is I have never seen a house be this vicious and disgusting in the bullying of other houseguests. Usually there is maybe one or 2 two players that pick on each other or someone, but not a pack of them that is practically the whole house on a person. Like a pack of wolves. Second, yes there have been alliances where one person can call the shots. but not one person running the entire house.except 2 people. Most of the time all people except a few really play the game and realize that people who call the shots is someone the want to get our eventually. This crew isn't even thinking about getting rid of Paul. I have never seen 3/4 of the house be happy and content to just play for jury. So yes this season IS different than previous ones.

TruBEE said...

True but these dumbassses would just vote out Alex and keep their precious Paul. Just think of how different this game would have played out if Paul was never in it.

TruBEE said...

I agree Elizabeth. He did it with class.

J A said...

I am enjoying this season. I enjoy every season. They are all so different because of the diverse personalities. I disagree with others about the so called bullying etc. I see the it as part of the game. Anything except outright violence should be expected. As things were heating up, watching Alex twirling and singing that she loved chaos was a hoot.

Every year people complain that it is the worst year ever. That it was poorly cast, that veterans should not be included, etc. Hogwash! It just adds a deminsion that is fascinating to watch. I think some people pick a favorite and then get upset if things don't go their way or don't seem fair. You just need to watch it for what it is, a fascinating game.

Jamie said...

I love all the diverse comments! I also love that we are all together for a show we are addicted to, whether its a good (to us) or bad season, we are all here and with different views and opinions. :)

Joe said...

I for one am looking forward to all of you who are not watching anymore to also stop commenting. End the negativity and focus on the strategy. Been a great season, let's be positive!

slnc said...

Raven lending a hand!🤣 I have no words for this season, don't watch the show anymore. Just come to your blog to see if anything has changed...but I see nothing has!

Clay said...

I feel like im watching Groundhogs Day the movie

Anonymous said...

You know, this isn't the first season that the HG's have had their goal to make it to jury. Maybe it was BBOTT where they were all doing the same thing. It seems like most of them are in there to have fun and only care to make it jury and have more fun while making $1,000 a week. Whoopee! Wouldn't you rather work really hard to get the $500,000 or even the $50,000?

I understand also that Cody took the first shot, which was the smartest move anyone has made in the house. His problem was not telling the other alliance members but can't people get over that? People do keep some things under the radar and later explain it if it had been a success, rather than give Paul a heads up to campaign. I mean, what would these dogs have done had they known that Cody wanted to put Paul up when he was their "friend". On top of that Cody has not been playing a social game. After he was voted out, he knew he was on his own.

The difference between Jody's bullying and the rest of the HG's is that Cody and Jessica just gave up and only lashed out at people when being picked on when they wanted to just stay away to avoid them. Cody was on a power trip but didn't bully people the first week, other than the comment to Meagan but Josh was no better and the other HG's are also calling Josh names. In past seasons, Evel Dick, Amanda, & Aaryn weren't the entire house against two people.

Daniel H. said...

I have never stopped watching a season before...but I went on vacation 3weeks ago and missed a weeks worth of episodes and only read your blog Jamie, I feel like this season has to be the lowest rated season of all time...please tell me we aren't in danger of losing our beloved BB summers because of the lack of production to make it interesting and stop interfering with the game...

Connie said...

I'm so over this season of BB. I have stop watching. I read your blog just to keep up whats going on. Jamie thank you. 😀

Unknown said...

I agree Jamie either all star season or newbies. Not one returning vet. If you wanna bring back one vet bring back ENZO! Dude always had me laughing lol

Steve Robbins Art said...

What pisses me off royally, is commenters who say "but it's a legitimate game move to [act like a f**king animal]!"
Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. There's a line in the sand that is a whisper-thin hair's length between decency and depravity, and one should always try to be the best they can be, even when it's hard.
It is sickening to watch these barbarians commit professional suicide in front of our eyes. It's as if CBS watched each offensive HG down a full bottle of aspirin, and did nothing as the HG's heart stopped.

And what's worse, is that Paul is handing out the bottles.

Mr. Rockett...thank you!!! said...

Basically once Mark and Kevin are gone I'm out, I wanted to like Jason and Matt but they are the two biggest toolbar sheep of all. I guess the upshot is they will have to start after each other finally which may create some fun situations but nobody in Paul's lemmings deserves to win.

CarKay said...

If I were Cody, I would have been telling them all if they take Paul to F2, he'll vote for Paul. Let's see how quick they turn. One vote doesn't decide it, but plants that doubt.

Clay said...

Paul and his girlfriend Josh

Atlanta said...

Love your blog Jamie! I certainly feel your pain! I've been watching since Season 1 and I have always looked forward to a new season. I discovered you some years ago, not sure what season. Anyway, I'm sad that I am bored senseless this season! The last 2 seasons not including this one has been so predictable it was boring. Maybe I've outgrown the show. I'm bummed out that this could be my last. Thank you for the blog! You always do a great recap but I also enjoy your personal touch!

Clay said...

Paul and his girlfriend Josh

First of equals said...

1. The reason the cast are all kissing Paul's ass is because they all believe that America loves Paul. And you always suck up to America's player.

2. The reason the cast will all settle for jury is because they see that this season is rigged too (rigged more than usual). They get the cues or hints from production that "this is Paul's year" and Alex is even trying to take Paul's role for next season.

First of equals said...

1. The reason the cast are all kissing Paul's ass is because they all believe that America loves Paul. And you always suck up to America's player.

2. The reason the cast will all settle for jury is because they see that this season is rigged too (rigged more than usual). They get the cues or hints from production that "this is Paul's year" and Alex is even trying to take Paul's role for next season.

Jamie said...

OMG I love Enzo!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, that was the nail in her coffin. She went after low hanging fruit and didn't even have the brains to choose an appropriate pawn such as Raven.

Anonymous said...

Nobody hates Paul because he runs the house. Derrick is my all time favorite player because he ran the house and did it with class and grace. Paul is just mean. No different than Amanda.

Amber said...

Right on!

Joe said...

Big arguments today, none had to do with paul.

Joe said...

Alex does and will win

Joe said...

I tried explaining, dont bother they just ignore it here. Very slanted.

Unknown said...

Next season REALLY needs to be an "all-star" then move on and go back to only newbies. They must be either superfans or have never seen the show before. Not a mixture.

Joe said...

I have also really enjoyed the season. Like all the houseguests except those first 4 that left

Joe said...

Got exciting today!

Joe said...

Do you have to get to jury before you win?

Joe said...

Hitler is a whole different level of offensive and has no place in a discussion about big brother

Joe said...

Yes there are some people who understand and appreciate strategy lol

Joe said...


Joe said...

Their job is to produce an interesting show, not get it cancelled.

Joe said...


Joe said...

Yet it happens every year, how odd

Joe said...

She was trying to get him to talk because he keeps silent. She doesnt doubt he has a child.

Unknown said...

Well said

Jason G said...

I stopped watching when the hate, bullying started. Being bullied in the past, it is so painful for me to watch on national television. But I love Big Brother, even I stopped watching, I still check Jamie's update to learn what happened inside that house. I still hope something changed then I could watch it again. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely for this season.

Unknown said...

Stopped watching when Jess got taken out because i know how it's going to go. This is the worst year in BB history. Trash trash trash

Stephanie said...

I think it's all crazy. I've honestly lost interest this year. I think it's just a bunch of bullying. I've watched this show since I was a little girl with my mom, and we would always read your blog and now reading your blood is enough. I can barely even stand to watch.
Btw I think the show might be rigged.... I found a picture dated MARCH 8th with Raven and Paul... weird.

Unknown said...

Ultimately, it's Kevin's fault Paul is back bc he took the 1st temptation. Does the house not know Kevin took the temptation, or do they just not care? I always think it's dumb to bring back a vet bc that's the first person the house tries to evict (as Cody did). I imagine the 4 weeks of safety was just productions way of making the 1st twist even worth it. A twist that lasts 1 week is lame, so they had to extend his stay somehow & try to make it interesting. I agree the bullying is hard to watch, especially Josh. Makes me sick to see. Even though Cody was pretty harsh, especially to Megan, I don't think stooping to his level & treating him like shit is the way to go. Jess was also kind of a bitch. She was definitely the "mean girl" of the house. Cody wasn't much better & he's definitely has some red flags when it comes to his personality/behavior. If I were the in the house I'd be careful not to piss him off, he may snap! That being said, I appreciate his service to this country & the sacrifices he's mde for our freedom. Just my thoughts. Love the blog Jamie!

Anonymous said...

@Steve..Totally agree with you. No matter if it is a game, there is a limit to how far people go in verbally attacking a HG. I literally wanted to cry when they attacked Cody again for the cereal, then Jason pipes in about his child, then Christmas. How can anyone sit there and take that much hatred directed at you?

@CarKay..That would be epic if Cody told them all that he would vote for Paul (because he has been playing the best game out of these miscreants. I just can't take his screeching, loud, attention-getting voice and he is vile at it's worst the way he encourages this hate. And, he absolutely hates that he can't control Cody and knows that had the entire house not been against Cody, Cody would have beat him. But, CarKay, would these people even care if Cody votes for Paul since all they want is the $1,000/wk?

Oh, and Paul says how long he has lived with Cody and still knows nothing about him? Uh, he has served our country, has a child, moved to Texas, but even if Cody does reveal his real life, Paul doesn't believe him, so.....

Stephanie said...

Same. My husband and I are enjoying it as well. I've been watching since season 2 or 3 and there are always weeks when fans want to check out. It does get a little boring when it gets so predictable so I get it. I'm so excited for when Cody is out and to watch them turn on each other.

Unknown said...

Love your blog. Love your comments. Your head must be so sore and I can actually picture your head hitting the desk. You poor thing...LOL...a horrible season for a blogger...LOL

Unknown said...

1000% agree. If Cody goes, I'm done with these losers.

Joe said...

I think Jessica is more like amanda than paul. I didnt see paul juming into bed with the first hoh as if he was fulfilling some lifelong dream.

Nicole Chenault said...

hahaha - "comes up with something new she's dying from" - that was the greatest line from anyone anywhere this season! I've been tired of the same routine that BB seems to have been in for years now (bringing in a mix of new and vet players) as it doesn't really lend to a really good game. I was hopeful at the beginning of this season, but Cody blew his game up early by being a robot and treating everyone like lesser humans that he doesn't have to mingle with. And I think had he not come back, Jess would've bounced back and the season might have turned around for the better, but alas, that didn't happen. (I really don't like any return players during a season either - once you are out, stay out). And had they not brought Paul back (whom I loved last season) it might've been a really good season. The cast seemed like a good mix - although I think they need to go back to bringing in all age groups so we don't have a house full of people just looking to hook up.

I'm with you on your feelings this season - and understand why you wouldn't even want to take the energy to blog this season anymore. I've been a fan of your site since S8 and always look forward to your commentary, but will completely get it if you choose to just stop. I'm actually 5 episodes behind just because I'm finding better things to do with my time than watch the same show over and over, haha.

I actually started watching BB2 (since I've never seen any before BB8) and that is worth the watch - the game seemed more legit and less staged back then.

Thanks for all you do Jamie!! You rock as always!

vjm2288 said...

So people have a problem with the bullying and hirrible treatment of other house guests, as do I. What i dont understand is how everyone can feel this way and then trash talk Raven. Has anyone done FACTUAL research or are we just going with with the "majority of the house"?

crowlett said...

I just kind of feel sad/disappointed. Since the beginning I have watched this show, I look so forward to it each year (summer). As you stated in your blog, the show is boring and at time appalling. It's uncomfortable to watch someone berated. It would be much more interesting to watch Jessica try various methods to "break-into" the jury house to get to Cody!

Unknown said...

I've been a huge fan for years and I have to say this is the worst season ever!! Watching the Paul show and his minions do his bidding week after week makes me want to vomit. The only people worth a dime were Cody, Jessica and Mark. They were truly playing the game and trying to make big moves. The other day I saw a pictorial of Paul with his minions on leashes. That pretty much sums it up. All I can hope is that Mark wins the HOH and truly shakes things up and gets rid of Paul or his stupid meatball sidekick who is the biggest joke I have ever seen. I cannot understand how stupid they all are in not seeing how they are being played by Paul. Jessica put it quite correctly in her exit speech.

Unknown said...

I have been a huge fan for years and have to say this has been the worst season ever! Watching Paul's minions do his bidding week after week makes me want to vomit! I even saw a pictorial the other day with Paul walking his minions on a leash. That pretty much sums it up. The only people worth a dime in this game have been Cody, Jessica and Mark. They were the only ones willing to make big moves, which involved getting Paul out and hopefully his meatball idiot sidekick. I'm just in absolute awe that no one in the house sees Paul is as the absolute biggest threat! These people are truly stupid! Jessica had the best exist speech on that! All I can hope for his that Mark pulls out the HOH and actually shakes things up and puts Alex and Meatball on the block, but then back doors Paul! Paul get f---out of here. Josh you too!

TerBerry5 said...

I stopped watching After Dark weeks ago; all I hear if EFF this, EFF that, EFF her, EFF him. And Paul egging dumb Josh on to hit those pots and pans was the last straw. All I see is a bunch of mindless, unkind, classless idiots without a brain among them. It's sad and embarrassing to watch. I hope they are all horrified when it's over and they watch it back. I can't even pick who I dislike most! Amazing...what an ugly-acting, hateful bunch of worthless people. I'm done with watching BB.

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