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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Veto Comp Results

Earlier today, the Veto Comp players were picked. While Cody's name was drawn, Christmas pulled a horrible game move (for herself) and used the Ring of Replacement to take Cody's place.

Winner of the Veto is:

Obviously, Mark will pull himself off the block and then Josh will have to make a renom. Oddly enough, Christmas told Josh he can use her as a pawn to replace Mark on the block. (*Wow.)
Josh said he's thinking of putting up Raven as the renom.

After their talk, Christmas went to Paul said told him that they have to get Jessica out this week, and Paul agreed. Then Christmas went to Alex, saying how they need to get Mark to not use the veto. (*Yeah, right.) They're gonna tell him to "prove his loyalty" by not using the Veto. *head desk*

Spark up the live feeds , guys!! The gaming is underway!

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

Does anyone else get tired of the team always telling Mark and Elena that they need to do things to show they are not with Jody and Jess?Why in the world wouldn't Mark use the veto? Put Paul up as a pawn to show his loyalty to the team.

BBWatcher said...

There's no way that Mark wouldn't use the veto on himself unless he has no brain.

Joe said...

Horrible game move? Really? I disagree.

TeriPie said...

Josh told Christmas earlier not to use her ring of replacement. He said to save it till they need it later. But she still used it. Now if josh was smart he would see through her n Paul n realize that they will vote how they want n take jess out even if they tell him they will vote out Elena. Someone please wake up n start playing the game instead of being one of Paul's followers!

Unknown said...

That's what happens when you recruit people for this show and have them watch clips of past seasons. If they had actually watched full seasons they would've remembered the fact that pawns go home (Dustin). Or remember Marcellas?! And honestly if they were in Marks shoes they would use the veto too. Geez

Unknown said...

With Josh being hoh this week she's safe. She could've saved her ring for when she feared being backdoored (Cody or mark or Jason as hoh). But no she did what Paul wanted and used it. And then she wasn't even cleared to play cause it was OTEV. Smh.

HurlyBurly said...

Bye Jess. Too bad she couldn't pull a Janelle. At this point who besides Cody that wins HOH wouldn't be run by Paul?

HurlyBurly said...

At this point I'm calling a Christmas, Alex, Jason, Kevin, and Paul final five. Showmances gone, Cody obviously, and Josh. The order of targets depending on circumstances, but that's how I see it.

Anonymous said...

I sure hate to see Jess go instead of Cody but Paul will rally the votes to get Jess out, despite Josh. I think she's the one who would have done the best besides Paul and would have been a more interesting game. I don't think the others know how to actually think thru what is best for them. I wish production would ask each of the HG's if they have a mind of their own. It's too bad Paul couldn't honor Josh's wishes but Elena is better for Paul's game than Jessica no doubt. I'm sure once Cody is gone, the game will go from bad to worse.

Telling Mark not to use the veto to show he is with the team is crazy. What difference does it make who Josh puts up anyway? That person is safe no matter who it is. So, if Paul were put up as a pawn, he would be safe, but he isn't so confident. Mark, Elena, Jody are the only ones who need to make sure they are not OTB and use whatever means they have available to save themselves.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Jamie, I agree with your post that it was a horrible move for Christmas to use her advantage (just because Paul told her to). She may wish that she had it to help herself somewhere down the road and I hope it bites her in the butt down the road since that one was good for the entire season. Cody was the biggest target anyway and would have had to have fate on his side to stay the whole game anyway. Paul was on their radar, plus some others, but Christmas was not one of their early target.

Lea said...

It would depend on the competition. If she can't compete then it wasn't smart but lately regardless of the competition, I'm left unimpressed by Christmas.

Michele W said...

@Jamie I am confused. I must have missed something. What is this about Christmas using her Ring of Replacement? When and why did that happen? Who did she replace? I was chatching up on your twitter and saw this mentioned

Elpheba said...

Mark would be really stupid to not use the veto. Can you imaging if it was king Paul and people were telling him not to use the veto?
If Josh is saying..' don't worry.. Jess is going home... then it wouldn't matter which lemming was up there.. right? I wish Mark would say that to Josh. Mark is right not to trust anyone... including Elena.
Raven made cookies and like the dutiful lemming she is... she ran up to HOH room and gave them out. Has she no pride? I hate ass kissers in BB and in the real world.
And she made sure she got her butt shot while she was up there.
Matt is going up. I hope he gets voted out. With 3 on the block the numbers are closer.

Anonymous said...

@Michele..Christmas had the Ring of Replacement whereby she could take the place of one of the HG's "picked" to play in the veto comp. She could not replace one of the original nominees. Cody was picked and she chose to replace him. Whether she could actually play in the comp or not wasn't as important to Paul as NOT allowing Cody to play in the veto and having the chance to take Jess off the block. If Jess had been taken off the block (which I was hoping that Josh would do if he won veto, even though he wasn't saying that), for sure Elena would have gone home. So, although it wasn't the most advantageous to Christmas, she did it to stay in Paul's good graces. Now it's gone and I'm hoping that she will have needed for herself in the future and will suffer the consequences.

Tulla said...

This season is making me crazy! It would be a totall waste of a HOH to not get rid of Jessica. /'d ps...she's an idiot. She is literally giving up $500K for a guy.!
I'm glad that Paul & Christmas are smart enough to go behind Josh and get her out while they can.
Josh should be next then the floaters (Jason & Kevin). Then the game can really being!

Michele W said...

Wow. That's crazy. That's for the response!!!

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