So far, it looks like Cody will still win America's Favorite Houseguest tonight. If you're wondering who might win Big Brother, well neither Josh or Paul plan on taking Christmas to Final 2 last time I checked, so assuming it's the boys in Final 2, I'd say it's going to be a close vote. We shall see!
Get your snackies ready and meet me back here at 8pm ET for the Big Brother 19 Finale!! :D
8:00pm ET:
Show begins...
8:11pm ET:
Final HOH Comp Part 1 (where Paul won). Josh fell first.
8:14pm ET:
Dr. Will Roundtable coming up next!
8:19pm ET:
Final HOH Part 2...
...where Josh won. Josh/Paul will go head to head tonight on the live show.
8:35pm ET:
Jury Roundtable time!!!!
8:50pm ET:
Time for the Final HOH Part 3!!
Final HOH is:
9:02pm ET:
Time for Josh to pick his Final 2 HG...
(*omg seriously?!!)
Christmas got evicted. She said she's proud of Josh, regardless. She's crying on stage with Julie.
Up next, jury will ask Paul/Josh questions to determine who will win BB19.
9:15pm ET:
Christmas joins the jury.
9:20pm ET:
To the shock of all BB fans, Josh is actually out-talking Paul! Wow!! This vote is gonna be close.
9:30pm ET:
The jury is putting their keys in the wheel.
9:38pm ET:
Cody's happy to see Jessica!
9:46pm ET:
Votes will be revelaed after commercial! Cody said he wants the show to end so he can go over to Jessica. (*aww.)
9:50pm ET:
Time for the votes!!!
Christmas votes for PAUL
Kevin votes for PAUL
Alex votes for JOSH
Raven votes for PAUL
Jason vote for JOSH
Matt votes for PAUL
Mark votes for JOSH
Elena votes for JOSH
Cody votes for JOSH
Cody was the deciding vote!
Winner of BB19 is:
Winner of AFP is:
He said "it doesn't make sense" when asked by Julie what he thought about wining AFP! lol
**I'll be making a new post shortly!!
Stay tuned...
As far as the winner of the season goes, it should definitely be Paul. Love him or hate him (I'd say I'm more hate for sure) He ran the whole house, and was the only person that actually played that game all year. Josh winning would be a sad event in the history of Big brother IMO
Agreed Jeremiah. Out of the two, Paul deserves to win. Also Josh had his unsavory things he did too even before Paul's "coaching."
Still hoping Josh wins part 3 and doesn't take Paul. Josh for the win!
Well, at least the jury isn't bitter...
Who will the Animal People + Cody/Mark/Elana/Kevin vote for? Animal-person or other animal-person?
Yeap he sure did play the best 3/4 of the season. Too bad all HGs didn't get the same 4 weeks of safety Paul got. I am sure Jamie dog could run the house if she had 4 weeks of safety.
Paul is going to get 3rd
Omg what an idiot
Christmas didn't even plead her case! He handed the win to Paul...idiot!
I wish
This season has to be the biggest let down ever...seriously Josh? Ugh!
I applaud you for being able to tolerate this horrible season. This is honestly the 1st time I read the blog more than I actually watched the show.
Thank you!
Hope they deprogram all Paul's conditioning before you go home Josh.
Still wish jessica would have worn a #ravenexposedparty t-shirt ��
Two time loser... Go away Paul!
Bitter jury is a joke. Who played a better game? Seriously!
Well, Paul was robbed again by a jury of bitter, sore losers!
Wowwwww that was crazy. I don't like Paul. But he should have won.
Love it Will...glad he didn't win
Did I really just see Paul come in second place and Cody win AFV?? It almost makes up for such a crappy season...almost!! Lol
Bitter stupid jurors
Where's Megan
Welp a floater winning bb19... nice. Don't like Paul getting to come back and thought the season was boring because of him but CMON JURY! This was one of THE most bitter juries I've ever seen.
2 years in a row that Paul played the best game and he gets screwed both times.
As much as i dont like josh i cant stand bully paul and hate that he came in 2nd and got any money
I CAN'T BELIEVE JOSH WON!!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! 9 comp wins and never touched the block, orchestrated the ENTIRE HOUSE THE ENTIRE SEASON!!!
Made NO sense! I think Jason should've won AFP
That ruined the whole season, Paul was by far, the best player in the house, Josh was a big cry baby. Paul manipulated everyone, controlled the game, and had everyone doing his bidding, I thought it was disturbing to see, how weak minded the rest of the house was, and how he dominated the house. An absolute disaster! Paul deserved to win! Josh did not. Paul was brilliant, and the logical choice. What a shame.
What a shocker! I totally thought Paul had the win. A bitter jury. Was Paul's family in the audience? They showed Josh and Christmas' families.
I just want to know who would possibly vote CODY as america's favorite?? he was a jerk to everyone, and spent most of the time pouting and not participating in the show. how in the world does that translate into america's favorite? ugh
B/c he saw through Paul's nonsense, and wasn't a jackass like the rest of the house.
Honestly, Cody wasn't a nice person or a good player, but because of Paul and his malarkey, he became an underdog to root for.
I agree. I loved that he disliked Paul, but his comments at the beginning of the season about choosing his alliance members based on the fact that they were better looking revealed his true character. No thank you.
Boy, am I glad that's over. I still haven't watched the last 7 shows and probably won't watch this one.
I loved BB. It was my summer guilty pleasure but I'm not sure I can say that anymore. Alas..
I totally agree. He was nothing but hateful and a crybaby. Jessica will dump him after he blows the money on her. Lol
I loved it tonight - best show of the season! I totally thought Josh was a fool for taking Paul to the finals, but I guess not!
Paul was just freaking out inside - first losing and then Cody as AFP - his mind must have been a total jumble trying to figure out what the hell just happened!
And Paul was talking about needing the $$ for his family - didn't they show his family last year living in a mansion in Southern California?
Wait until Raven finds out about #ravenexposedparty!!! ha ha ha
I think it was less about the jury being bitter and more about the fact that Paul never would own up to the game that he played. A big part of the game is jury management, and Paul failed miserably in that aspect, all the way to the end. He disrespected them by continuing to lie to them even after their evictions and during the questioning. And he disrespected Josh with his facial expressions and gestures during questioning. The jury could see this and reacted they very poorly to it. I truly think that Alex's and Cody's, and maybe even Jason's, decisions were made sitting there during the finale. Paul would have gotten Alex's vote if he would have answered her question honestly.
Paul deserved to win. Cody AFP give me a break. Me angry himself. It was Jessica that got him that win. He's angry at the world
Did you notice the shoe Christmas was wearing alng with her boot?!! Poor choice when your standing on a unicorn!
I am not sure why everyone seems to be upset that Paul did not win due to a bitter jury, but this show is not about who played the best game. That is why there is a jury. You have to not only play a good game, but you have to be sure that those sent to jury will still vote for you. Paul chose to make alliances with everyone and we who watch know that once they get to jury, they will talk.
Because everyone hated paul and the way he had everyone bully him and Jessica. So what is best way to say f u to paul. Vote Cody
Well this shouldnt be a shocker and paul not winning proved why he did nothing special...he munipulated morans....nothing special about that...i bet he couldnt do that in a bb allstar season...
Because other then paul he and jessica was actually playing the game...and they were the only ones to see pauls munipulation..
I can't stand Paul and a part of me laughs that he didn't win. But let's be honest, he absolutely should have. Josh was a puppet and a floater all season. Almost the entire cast was the same way. Hard to believe there were so many horrible big brother players in one cast. Everyone played Paul's game and the cherry on top was Josh taking Paul to the final two!! LMAO! So so stupid. That should have backfired on Josh. Christmas did nothing, even less than Josh so he likely would have beaten her no problem. So yes, Paul should have won but I guess the jury was just too bitter. Reminded me of Dan losing to Ian. I would say the only thing Josh did well was tipping off the jury members in the goodbye messages. That hurt Paul for sure as the jurors learned the truth and compared notes.
On another note, it was pretty funny seeing Cody get his ultimate payback on Paul with the deciding vote and winning America's favorite player.
To those who voted for Paul, good times, friendship and used their head. For the sour losers, it's your own doing why you are not beside him. He should have won the game because he played the best big brother of all. Cody, you are nothing but a user and a bully. You even say you are in love with Jess when clearly you lied to her face... yes! You did planned to get rid of her and lied about it when confronted (not surprised)... so much for being a man, for me you are a child and a back stabber! I hope your daughter do not grow up like you are! Jess should have stayed there and not you!
What an awesome finale. Paul didn't own his game, he kept lying right up to the end. He forgot for the second year in a row that the jury is still playing the game and you can't treat them all like garbage and expect them to just give you the rubber stamp of approval. I'm sure they wanted nothing other than to vote for who played the "best game", but Paul's game was so sketchy and dirty and to the end he blamed it on everybody else. His answer about the bullying in the house was just laughable. Josh was able to make a case that half the jury was fairly comfortable voting for. The look of agony on Paul's face when the votes were read was fantastic. You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Cody winning AFP was a backlash by fans who objected to Paul's clown show in the house where everyone took their turn at harassing Jessica and Cody at Paul's urging. They spent so much time ripping Jody that they didn't realize they themselves looked like a bunch of depraved idiots. Paul never should have put on that tutu.
Alex is such a bitter person. I thought she was a super fan so she should've respect the game and vote paul. Jason probably voted the way alex wanted him to and probably bitter too. Mark and elena??? Their vote for Josh was from bitter of paul and sympathy for josh and just because they were floaters too and must have been proud to see a fellow floater make it to final two. That must've been why they voted for Josh. And Cody?? I don't know I mean I guess we all expected he wasn't about to vote for Paul but still . . . Josh??? really ??? If Jessica was voting instead of Cody, Paul would've won the game. but really everybody. . . EVERYBODY should've been voting for Paul hate him or not he played the best game !!!!
Julie did not ridicule those people enough for the horrible season they played and if we think that big brother really rigged the game for Paul to win then tonight was the time thT big brother should have really stepped in and said "you know what all you guys who voted for Josh . . . what the heck are you thinking?? instead we're giving it to Paul cause you guys are just better BITTER!!!! Because after the game you played this season it's fair to say that your judgment can't be trusted. after every single one of you wwnt in that diey room and talk about how much you trust and like Paul and now you want to vote against him it's just because you're bitter " Julie should have straight up told them to respect the game !!!
That's what Julie and CBS should've said in the end
I'm most disappointed in Alex. she sucks for so many reasons
I'm not surprised Josh won over Paul. Many Americans do not vote for the person who does the best job or the person best qualified to win. They vote with their emotions rather than their intellect. Alex really disappointed me, I thought she was bigger than that but I was wrong about her. Jason didn't surprise me, he lets him emotions rule as does Cody. I can't explain Mark and Elena's vote other than retribution just like the others.
How fitting that Codys vote was the one that sunk Paul. My father always said, " Make your words sweet, you may have to eat them." Paul was a horrible person this year. Played with no,integrity. Love it. Nothing like a little poetic justice.
AH HA HA ! At the end Paul got played by Josh. Perfect! Awesome! Karma is a bitch Paul Littlefinger.
She walked from the game so it's like she was never in it. She didn't have a comic either. And she wasn't included in any comps involving former house guests.
Don't even joke about bringing him back.
I was thinking - I guess Josh was smarter than I gave him credit for posting reasons in his goodbye messages to people. Did you see Paul's face when he realized Josh had done that? He just couldn't rebound from it. I never would have thought in a million years at beginning of season that Josh, of all people, would actually win.
Do you think Josh would have beat Christmas, if he had taken her instead?
I cannot believe that CBS robbed us of the jurors faces when Cody was announced as AFP!
Cody won AFP because Jessica was on twitter telling people to make extra emails so they could vote and held a toy lottery for the most votes.. People say Production "supposedly" rigged the game in Pauls favor.. Well Jessica rigged it in Codys favor and its disgusting she even said it!
Anyone notice how raven was all over paul. Clinging onto his arm n rubbing it up n down. Attention starved! Matt was right behind her but she knew the cameras Wud be on Paul so byeeeee Matt ur time is up n she's moving on to what will get her the most attention next. Remember...She's the puppet master*massive eye roll!!!
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