Winner of Part 1 Final HOH is:
Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is:
So, if Josh/Paul take each other to final 2, who would win? Well, according a spoiler from Hamsterwatch, Josh will likely win BB19. The jury is bitter and as of right now, Paul would only get 2 votes from Matt/Raven (and Christmas would be a 3rd vote for Paul obviously, if/when she gets evicted.)
If you're wondering who hosted the Round Table, rumor has it was Dr. Will again (even though he claimed on Twitter that he wasn't doing it this year.)
In other news..
Voting for America's Favorite Houseguest is officially open on!! Go to "Shows" and then click on Big Brother, you'll see a "vote now" button at the top of the page. If you're wondering who's leading the vote, it's Cody. He's been the front runner of AFP for weeks now and I honestly can't even think of any of other houseguest that could win against him. Even most of the BB alumni are promoting Cody for AFP.
Dani Donato:
— Dani Donato (@danidONAT0) September 15, 2017
Janelle Pierzina:
Voting Cody for #AFP is literally all I have left to give to this season of #BigBrother the sheep's faces will be priceless! 😁#CODYFORAFP— Janelle Pierzina (@JanellePierzina) September 13, 2017
Evel Dick:
Vote Cody for AFP...— EvelDick (@EvelDick) September 15, 2017
Only one who wasn't a fucking sheep this miserable season#BB19
And that's it for today's update! There won't be any updates between now and finale, simply because there's nothing left in the game to talk about. Now it's the dreaded 3 day wait until finale night.
Stay tuned...
One of the worst players to play the game might win this year. Jodh?!?!?!
That is laugh out loud funny. There is one clear winner, Paul. But an angry jury, almost everyone who didn't realize the game they were playing will choose Josh.
It's fitting end to a terrible season. I don't think the show can survive another shit show like this season.
There were literally two people playing this year. Paul and Jess. The rest are clueless.
And the most clueless of the clueless might be the only ones to not get it right.
It will be quite a sight to see Paul come in 2nd then Cody win afp.
These people need to be ridiculed by Julie at the end.
In my opinion, Paul played the best game out of the entire cast. If the jury is bitter because Paul outplayed them and made it to the end, then they should have played a different game. Most of the jury were merely puppets who didn't think for themselves and didn't play the game. The only person that could have made a difference was Cody, but he showed his cards way too soon and didn't have a good social game. I hope the jury puts there bruised ego's and emotions aside to vote for the person who played the BEST game. Love him or hate him, Paul deserves to win.
Josh is my favorite but here's my question for everyone.
In a Paul/Josh finale, don't you think Cody/Jessica would give it to Paul? Because of the fights with them and josh?
I know a lot of people don't like him but I've been rooting for josh the entire game. My favorites usually leave early so I'm excited!
Thank you for your amazing blog once again!
You're welcome! Jessica is home, not voting. Cody is a wildcard in my opinion...tjough it looks like he would vote against Paul.
Being a fellow Wisconsinite I agree the weekend weather was fabulous. I dislike Paul over the sheep specifically is because he knows they are sheep and he guided them from the bully pulpit. Hate bullies... I've been bullied before and fought my way through the emotional bullcrap they leave behind. Production and the Paulfest can go eff themselves. CBS is hypocritical on who stays and goes and isn't consistent. Did I see a slap to Josh by Paul?
I'm sorry. Maybe I missed Paul bullying people. What did he do? Did he tease people because of their race? Religion? Weight? Sexual orientation? Or did he just play tgeee pawns hard during a game? Did he call a transgender person an "IT?!?!" No! He didn't that was Cody. And everyone seems to want Cost to win AFP. They want a Billy to win AFP. That's what's hypocritical.
I saw Cody for what he is as I do Paul. Have you ever served in a forward position and not come out with a social distortion? PsD? Paul hasn't and yes he is a bully and no I didn't see Cody as one. Time lines on when things are said and positioned are awfully convenient and should be taken in retrospect. PAUL was never in that position because production have him a bully pulpit. Cody was real and doesn't ask for any indifference but Paul... fake tears and all got shaken when called a bully from a bullhorn, a character on tv and who has a high self esteem. NARCISSIST TENDENDANCIES DONT USUALLY GET AFP! Paul may feel he has played a game but he has really just played a popular high school kid with a bunch of low esteemed miscreants. So Cody for AFP ... don't tow the line and don't allow yours3lf to be misled or someelse regardless of what you can win... that's the AFP... stay real be real.
What if Christmas wins? Who would she take? Paul? Hopefully Alex will realize voting for Paul is a mistake! Hold on to the resentment Alex!
I have struggled all season with who "deserves" to win or "should" win versus who will actually pull this off. Mainly because there exists ZERO likable contestants. Josh started to grow on me even after his vile behavior but then I had an epiphany this morning. I believe production somehow steered Josh into revealing what really happened in the house via those good-bye messages to evictees. Perhaps psychologically or subliminally planting those seeds during his DR sessions. I think production realized what a mess they have on their hands and were trying to make something big happen in the end...either by tainting the jury's overall feelings about Paul or trying to get Josh to see that whomever cuts Paul at F3 will most likely win the $500K. At the least, if Paul and Josh are F2, those message reveals may sway certain individuals on the jury and it would be a closer vote. That makes for better TV. And if Paul is first loser for a second year running, it would inject some excitement to see his reaction that night. He may pass out if Cody gets AFP. I honestly believe CBS should have had a voting option of NO ONE for AFP. Maybe that would have given these people a clue that their behavior wasn't truly entertaining for America. Does Paul "deserve" to win...probably YES. Where he was most successful is that he told all these stories about his social media "power" after BB18. That worked 2 ways in his favor= it scared the crap out of the other HG who didn't want to be trolled by Paul's followers and supplanted the notion that Paul knew this game inside and out and his promise to protect them all became oxygen to these people. All of the infighting and disagreements between the MINIONS prevented them from truly seeing the writing on the wall and their hatred for each other blocked them from comparing notes. I won't be happy if he wins, but I can respect it. However if the Monster actually succeeds in slaying Dr. Frankenstein, that would make for great TV.
I thought I was alone in this fight. Thank you !
Christmas already lost parts 1 and 2. Decision is not hers. Only the final hoh.
Michael, I am guessing we were among the few that saw how brutal and malicious Cody was. If America votes him as AFP, well, they are voting for bullying.
��% agree
I agree he should win but I can't stand the little beep..
How do we not see someone that called another human being an "it" as a bully?!
One more thing why Cody is the AFP... he doesn't apologize for his person, doesn't down grade his condition (If he can ackno
I have to say I think Josh has earned a victory. He was so out of his element in the beginning, and I just knew he was a goner. He was able to get past that hurdle. When he started the whole attack on Cody, Jessica & Mark as per Paul's instruction, I was not a fan. But once he started to be OK with the other houseguests, one could argue he strategically picked his friends and team. Clearly Paul was going to keep him around to do his dirty (quite discusting) deeds. He stayed close to xmas, who I think was kind of a motherly support system. Obviously xmas and paul had some kind of connection from the beginning due to them being in the showmance alliance. In my opinion, Josh had some sort of come to Jesus moment and the aggressive behavior toned down. Clearly josh had enough knowledge of the game, he was able to identify moves being made. He was the only one who was able to figure out Paul's strategy, and test the waters with the other hgs. He had conversations and knew he wouldn't have the #'s to get paul out. He also knew if he said too much, he would be next to go. Now the question is, if he wins round 3 in final hoh, will he make THE SINGLE BIGGEST MOVE in this season and evict paul. I hope he does, but if not, I hope he wins against Paul. Paul's strategy was discusting and down right deplorable. His game play amounts to ZERO in my book. Oh yeah, Cody for AFP!!!! Thx Jamie for all of time, skills, life to this blog. As usual, you have done an amazing job!!!!
I think Cody has always had a "social distortion" and he had it long before he entered the BB house. He is no less of a bully than is Paul and maybe even more so because of his brashness and lack of empathy for his effect on others. Cody has said it many times, he just doesn't care what others think and that is why everyone else in the house wanted him out from the first week. After all, Cody was just a figure on TV also and not worthy of emulating. Cody is the #1 narcissist this season hands down. His distorted personality, bad game moves and narcissism cost him the BB game. If Cody becomes AFP, I worry even more for America.
I'm guessing Christmas doesn't know Paul is taking Josh to final 2?
As someone who studies psychology, I can assure you Cody is not a narcissist. Paul & Josh, however, are both text book narcissists (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Cody displays ASPD (aka sociopath) characteristics. Raven has Munchausen Syndrome by proxy.
Thank you, Debbie! :)
Lol I just realized my wording on that was terrible 😂😂😂I know Jessica is home, I meant due to the fighting with Cody and Jessica, I don't think Cody would give his vote to josh. 🤦🏻♀️
You're right. He's a bully that doesn't apologize for being one. He's an awful,hateful person and he's proud of his ignorance. As far as him not downgrading... I'm not sure that would be possible
I'm reading "The sociopath next door" and the entire time while reading it reminded me of Cody.
Josh winning this game is laughable. Worst. Season. Ever. And I usually get ticked at the people who say that every year. Cody did not even want to play, doesn't want to be part of the jury - why should he be rewarded? Paul was the only person playing this year, the fact that no one caught on or felt the need to check their facts with others, just shows he deserves to win. He did not Bully people, he PLAYED them. He got hosed out of a win last year, I don't like him at all this year, but he deserves to win.
That book is garbage. So is Confessions of a Sociopath (she's actually an NPD faking as a sociopath huge fraud). The sociopath next door is even worse. Sadly, there's not a good book on sociopathy yet. I'm in the process of writing one, however.
OK - I think it would be so damn funny if Josh won!
Oddly, enough I read something last week that said ratings for BB were ok this year and Julie's husband saying something about her saving the CBS summer and that's why he finally let her have the celebrity version, which I guess she has wanted for a while. Without Jamie's blog or the feeds with the edit of the show, you don't realize how crazy these people have been!
If Josh were to pull one over on Paul and take Christmas to the final 2, I believe she would beat him in the jury vote because of his harassment of several of the jury members. I do think he will beat Paul because the jury is mad at Paul for controlling them this summer. Paul actually played the game and deserves to win.
Jamie, you are probably right about Cody displaying anti social personality disorder traits but calling someone a sociopath bothers me for some reason. I have no training in psychology and only know what I read online but a diagnosis of sociopathy seems so much worse than being narcissistic but then I really don't know. I just see some serious traits common to Cody and Paul. I agree Raven displays traits of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy if it can be applied to one's self, that is, if a person can be both the caregiver and the one being cared for. She is well beyond being a hypochondriac. She is a very strange person and "complicated". And Matt just wants to take care of her. What a world they live in.
I have extensive knowledge with NPD & sociopathy. They are not accurately written about yet hence why I'm working on a book. Basically sociopaths are self reliant (dont categories about others), have low empathy or selective empathy, they can bond to a select few, and differ between low functioning and high functioning. For the most part, you'd never know a high functioning sociopath because they are very similar to neurotypicals with the exception of key traits. They're not bad people, but low functionings can be.
Typing on phone.. typos...
Having watched every single television episode of Big Brother this season and having watched live feed clips from youtube, I'd honestly be disgusted if Cody was voted AFP. He was almost completely indifferent to everyone he didn't like and threatened physical violence. He wasn't a "sheep" but he had no strategy or social game. Come to think of it, no one this season was particularly likeable imo... maybe Mark... despite the throwing a drink in Josh's face and uncecessary rage. That being said, I hope Mark wins AFP.
Paul played an excellent game and was the only one who really had the guts to plot any type of move.. which is why I think he should win... (unless maybe if Josh blindsided him taking Christmas to the Final 2.. that would be amazing to watch). but some of the stuff he pulled was pretty scummy.. but then again you don't get far in BB without doing something malicious at some point in the game...
Much as I hate to say it, Paul deserves to win. I dislike the hell out of his and strongly suspect he's been backed by production, but no one else has played this game as hard as him. Paul, Christmas, and Josh are all bullies. All very unlikable people. So the only thing left to judge them on is merit. Christmas wasn't even able to compete in all the competitions and it's really not fair for her to be there in the first olace. Josh hasn't made any big moves the entire season. He's just been Paul's errand boy. Paul is the puppet master. I'd rather have a puppet master win BB than a errand boy.
Davinci...Yes, you saw Paul slap Josh because he told him to quit crying. When Paul was crying, instead of Josh & Christmas hugging him, I wanted Josh to slap him for crying also. Paul & Christmas treat Josh horribly.
There is no doubt in my mind either that Paul played the best game. After all, he was the only one who really played the game with the exception of some early ones who played poorly. I just disliked his game style so much. Unfortunately, Josh realized too late that he needed to make a bold move. If he chooses Christmas over Paul, he might have some hope for making a bold move but who knows.
If Jess were in jury, the funny thing is, she would vote for Paul & that was his mistake getting her out before jury. It will be surprising to see what Cody does because early on he said he respected his game but he may stay bitter & vote for personal reasons.
As far as AFP, my vote goes to Cody. He was picked on in a backhanded & very HATEFUL way by Paul (who himself continued to call Josh fat slob & demeaning him all the time while calling Cody out for calling Josh fat). Cody just withdrew rather than try to fight it. AFP means America's Favorite "Player". Which of the HG's who are eligible actually was a "Player" other than Cody? People may not like him but there isn't a great choice out there.
Also, people think because he stares he is a danger to society? Twice during feeds, I saw where Paul was describing instances among people where he drew a knife on them. Do people call him a danger to society? That's scary that he carries a knife.
Why does so many people think Cody deserves AFP he did nothing except hide away with Jessica an have sex an had no social game what's so ever.An even in the sequester house he isn't social want to be alone an can't wait to get out of the house..He never should of been on BB..Just my opinion..
It amazes me that these dopes forgot that people are watching their every move. As a result they did and said stupid, hurtful things that won't go away. Paul will be blistered by social media after this mess but so will Alex, Jason, Christmas, Matt and especially Raven. Her game is over for sure. They are going to have to live with this forever.
I'd like, personally, to see Josh win. He was such a goof and at first easily pushed around. As time went on he won comps and seemed to sharpen his focus. If he had only followed his instincts he would have dumped Paul and sailed to the end, but woulda, coulda, shouldas don't count.
I stopped watching it weeks ago (got 8 waiting for viewing) and I totally quit BBAD. Everyone is right, these were crappy guests, playing crappy, acting crappy, and deserve nothing but crap. This may be the end of BB, which would be sad, but I'm so over it that I may not even take a peek next year. Alas...
Definition of bullying
:abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc. :the actions and behavior of a bully.
Per Wikipedia:
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations of such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size, or ability.
Bullying can be defined in many different ways. Bullying is divided into four basic types of abuse – emotional (sometimes called relational), verbal, physical, and cyber. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion, such as intimidation. Bullying ranges from one-on-one, individual bullying through to group bullying called mobbing, in which the bully may have one or more "lieutenants" who may seem to be willing to assist the primary bully in his or her bullying activities.
i think we toss around the word "bully" a bit too liberally these days. Which takes away from people actually being bullied.
these people were being "bullied" in a GAME. that's not real bullying.
Josh is the only one who seemed to bully people about their appearance, although I don't watch feeds, only highlights from blogs etc.
At one point Cody said you can't trust people in BB. and it seems many are "team Cody". Yet the best players all lied. Chilltown I think said it's BB, "you can bounce checks in here". And they are lauded. It's the survivor/BB etc mentality. Players who are lying about their alliance, get blindsided and can't believe someone would lie to them. lol
What really happens is, fans pick players they like, and then justify their behavior accordingly. One year "Derrick is great, he was a puppetmaster" then "Paul is awful, he is the puppetmaster". And based on some posts, if Paul shaved and didn't have tats, it would be different.
A lot of people say Josh should have taken a shot at Paul earlier. If he did that and wasn't successful, he would have been the next to go. If he was successful, he would have likely been the next target by the "house" and likely booted. He played the best game possible given the players this season. He now has a chance to win BB. I think all that talk in the DR about taking a shot at Paul was production manipulation. Josh was smart enough to ride with Paul. Same goes for Christmas, Matt, and Raven. Alex and Jason may have been able to pull it off if they took a shot at Paul earlier and pulled some in the house to their side which I think would have happened. The house was on the side of the strongest player. This seems to be the way to win BB. The house may have been a bunch of sheep but they were smart sheep.
Disappointing to hear josh will take Paul. Would have lived to see the look if Josh won HOH and sent him packing. Only thing that would save this season for me world be to see Paul get 2nd again.
@djone Great assessment! And your last sentence is a gold nugget.
I don't see Josh as NPD. For example, his idiotic behavior toned down after self reflection. In my experience a true NPD doesn't change. Josh was mesmerized by Paul and easily manipulated into bullying behavior by Paul. NPD people, unlike Josh, are the manipulators, not the manipulated. And kudos to Josh as he began resisting and even refusing Paul's attempts to get Josh to bully Paul's targets. Josh is far from perfect, but giving credit where credit is due, he did mature a bit.
Josh is Victim Variety npd. There are 4 schools.. Victim, low, mid, greater. Paul is a mid. You are entitled to your opinion. Just wanted to clarify the classes for others scrolling through.
If y'all haven't seen it... Wil's got a new episode from last week. SO funny...
Best line of the video: "Clean up on aisle 10, Raven's mom just exploded!"
The problem is nobody who wanted to go after Paul could get anyone to back them up. Kevin early on told Jason while on one of their backyard walks that Paul had to go cuz he was gonna win. Jason just grunted. Of course Kevin never won anything, but he could have been a vote. Mark also told Jason while they were playing pool to go after Paul, no response. Cody tried but production nixed that and Jessica didn't even try and instead of at least taking on Josh she nominated people from the bottom of the totem pole.
Audrey is not playing the game this season. She has nothing to do with it. So calling her an "it" is bullying. Not game play.
On the internet it is commonly referred to as AFP. However Julie & CBS promote it as America's Favorite Houseguest. This probably will not make a difference to people and how they vote, but I was curious and went searching for details.
According to the Big Brother Wikia it originally was called America's Favorite Juror before being changed to America's Favorite Houseguest; does not seemed to have been called AFP.
Here is what the Wikia states:
America's Favorite Houseguest (previously known as America's Favorite Juror) is an award given to the fan favorite during the finale of Big Brother seasons. The winner of the award receives $25,000. Viewers can vote online for whom they wish to win the award.
The America's Favorite Houseguest award was first introduced in Big Brother: All Stars. Originally, the prize was only limited to jury members in Big Brother All Stars, Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part, and Big Brother 10, where it was called the America's Choice Jury Prize. Since Big Brother 11, all houseguests have been eligible to win the prize (except those who have been expelled or walked from the game), and the name "Fan Favorite Award" was changed to "America's Favorite Houseguest".
I couldn't agree more with what Grace has said. My thoughts exactly. But Cody winning AFP will turn my stomach. I honestly don't get it.
Brian...There is a huge difference between Derrick & Paul. Derrick actually conversed with people & let them talk/give their input. They discussed options & if they hadn't thought of something Derrick was thinking, Derrick would continue to visit with them & that person usually in the end came around to the same idea. He let them think out the solution until they thought it was their idea.
Paul, on the other hand, directed people what to do. He didn't ask people what they wanted to do, he told them what "we/you are going to do".
Sure, Paul could reason out what needed to be done but he does not have the skills or finesse to execute it in a tactful way. He is definitely not a team player.
Derrick would never have tried to bully people whereas Paul constantly felt the need to have his sheep, primarily Josh, poke at a victim, sometimes more aggressively than other times, even when there was no need to because it was a foregone conclusion the person was going to be evicted anyway.
Lies are to be expected in this game and it's a rarity if a HG doesn't do that during their time in the house but there is a limit and there are some people who are so hateful in their actions that it would be hard to imagine that it is not their true nature. A tiger can't change it's stripes.
Absolutely Josh couldn't have taken a shot at Paul during his last HOH. He simply would not have had the votes anyway so why put a target on your own back. That was the problem with the whole season after week 4. Even if someone would be so silly to nom Paul, they wouldn't have had the votes.
Thanks Jamie!
Cody's winning AFP would be fun only for Paul's reaction. Josh's beating Paul would be fun for the same reason. However because of The predictability of this season, it probably won't happen. Paul will win and Kevin will be AFP. That's been the whole problem with this season:predictability.
Agree Cody AFP. How about when Paul was fake crying then stopped instantly in front of Josh. Josh said he felt like he just saw the devil!
What ever happened to "sticks & stones"? Audrey probably doesn't give a crap about what someone voted out twice from BB19 says.
Chicklet fair point.
I guess people would rather have a nice puppet master. And Derrick was a better player, mostly based on the fact he was playing against people trying to win.
My opinion is still Paul played the best game this year. It may because the rest didn't play at all.
Not sure how the jury could give it to Josh. But some seem bitter. I suppose he won a few comps, but he used his powers to make Paul's moves.
It will be funny to see Paul's reaction to AFP. I am still not comfortable with Cody winning. No one like him should ever be invited to play BB. But I get the sentiment.
There's a difference between bullying someone and strong arming them into doing what you want them to do. Did Paul actually bully them. Did he use racist/ homophobic/ body shaming (etc) words? Or did he tell everyone what to do and they did it for some reason? You don't have to like the way he played the game, I don't really like it. But I don't know if he bullyed people. Boston Rob played the same kind of game in Survivor when he won. He wouldn't let anyone in his alliance be alone with anyone else the entire game. He controlled everyone. I'm not saying Paul is a good player or person. Ok just asking if he actually bullyed anyone.
Paul got others to do the bullying. In criminal cases that would be conspiracy to commit...Of course this is not a criminal case, but Paul has already been tried in the court of public opinion and the verdict is pretty harsh.
I think it's an insult for "Potty mouth" Paul to be wearing a Pepperdine University sweatshirt. Paul's disgusting overuse of foul language and the "F" word in every sentence that comes out of his mouth is the exact opposite of what that religious institution stands for. He's a piece of s***!!!
"Ridiculed by Julie"!!! . . . Amen to that!!!
Its a game You got to see the character bb production wanted yall to see you dont really know any of theas people only what production wanted & the character the person was portraying in the game Hello most of them were auditioning for you & get air time & up ther numbers 4 twitter ,facebook Instagram utube Hello It makes good tv & we were all paert of it ...
The only thing I don't want to see is, Cody as AFP! He did not earn it, and was targeted and evicted for his own act.
Alex or Jason are the only 2 that played the game out of all evicted houseguest, they came to play and win AFP.
I do realize none of them stand out for most of us, but based on game play Alex and Jason stand above the rest.
If Josh wins and he picks Paul to go to finals, he really is more of a moron than we already know.
I'm reallly looking most forward to who wins AFP - ha ha
Just a little humor re: this God awful season.
Thank you Jamie for doing this blog... pretty much the only good thing about this season!
I can't wait to see Cody win AFP! He saw through Paul's friendship crap from the beginning.
Raz, same here. I don't really care who wins anymore. I know Paul at least played the game, albeit a nasty game where he was letting everyone else do the pecking at everyone because he was afraid to get blood on his hands. He did say that this year he knew he had to work on jury votes so it looks like he may have failed miserably in that regard.
Just waiting to see who wins AFP. I have a hard time with that since no one was a "favorite" when they were all so mean and childish, except Kevin. Rooting for Cody simply because he was the only one who would make a move against Paul.
Pretty sorry when the only highlight of this crap season is seeing which of the crap players gets AFP.
I agree with you 110%. His lack of empathy is going to destroy everything he does. Even his relationship with Jessica eventually.
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