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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday Night Live Eviction

It's Day 1,045 of this awful season and tonight we will see yet another live eviction. Luckily for us, this crapfest is almost is over (next Weds). In case you didn't hear already, Paul is HOH, Paul won Veto, and Kevin/Josh are nominated. If you're wondering who Paul will take to Final 2, it's Josh..which could be Paul's biggest mistake yet, since Josh has been saying he needs to "take a shot at Paul" if he wants to win the game.

Tonight we will watch Kevin get evicted and then Part 1 (of 3) of the Final HOH will begin.

9:00pm ET:
Show begins...

9:08pm ET:
Jury house footage coming up next!
Jason learned that Alex wasn't the reason he went to was Paul.
Matt/Raven think they were "puppet masters". They're so delusional. lol
If we learned anything, it's that Jason doesn't wanna vote for Paul, and Matt/Raven seem to be votes for Paul. Alex said "that's the game", what Paul has done to them all and seems that she'd vote for him as well.

9:32pm ET:
Veto Comp footage, where Paul won Veto.

9:50pm ET:
Paul doesn't use the Veto.

Christmas voted to evict:


*End of Show*

Part 1 of the Final HOH wasn't played. Guess that'll come later. I'll keep y'all posted. I'll update this post once I find out when that'll happen.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I love the gif of Matt, Mark, Elena and Cody where all the rest are talking and Cody is staring straight ahead, not moving.

Love Austin said...

You do not need to have CBS All Access, but it seems you either have to log in or create an account with I could not vote more than 20 times. After logging out I tired to vote and it took me to the sign up/sign in page. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

I think the qhole show is scripted, paul brings with him friendship braceles, paul is friends with everyone. The head hold and congratulations on making it to final 5 clinched it as scripted.the games the order convincingly produced. I get it do you?

kb said...

Kevin was my guy and I'm sad he left. I have stopped watching this crap season and just rely on you Jamie. Thank you for all you do. I will donate on my next pay day. I cannot wait until this season is over. I hope Paul walks out next, not winning anything. What a dummy. His head will be bigger than it already is if he wins.

Unknown said...

Surprised that Kevin would be evicted. He has done absolutely nothing all season. He has zero chance to win in my opinion. Taking Josh would be a huge mistake for Paul. Better to take Christmas who also has done nothing either..oh wait she got Hoh a couple of times...wait given to her by Paul. Hate Paul but he did play the best game. Helps alot when you have a house full of idiots.

Razldazlrr said...

Wow - I really did laugh at the jury house - that was great! Raven thinking she has had any part of the direction of the game was hysterical. The other people just couldn't contain themselves. I would truly love it if Paul comes in second again - how funny would that be!

I'm glad that Josh is busting him in his goodbye speeches - not sure if that's by mistake or on purpose.

Is it 3 or 2 going to final? 2 right?

Unknown said...

I don't necessarily like Paul, but he really does deserve to win. If Josh had taken up the task of exposing him earlier, I'd say it would be fair to vote for Josh. But at this point, voting out of spite against Paul is just the whining of a bunch of sore losers. Reminds me of Russell Hantz's first season on Survivor.

JoyNSoul said...

Just got done watching last night's episode.
@ Razldazlrr, totally agree with everything you said! Jury house was hilarious! Matt and Raven are so delusional. Mark asking them why they were in jury if they were Paul's real alliance was good! Cody commenting on how he liked Jason's exit was funny as well. So much more fun to watch the jury right now!

I really like Mark and wish he had a chance at AFP, but it doesn't seem to be so. I like Kevin as well, but he mostly coasted through the game. I like how Mark fought for every second he had in the house, and he also was against the bullying from the beginning. Lots of respect for that! But watching Cody in jury made me realize something. His attitude toward the cast and this season seem to be in line with a lot of our attitudes towards those things. I wonder if maybe that's why a lot of people want to vote for him (as well as a way to tick off Paul). I do got to say though, if (when) Paul is in the final 2, he won't be eligible for AFP. That being the case, I'm sure he'll just tell everyone he would have beat Cody for AFP if he was actually eligible. I mean, it's not like he hasn't pulled that card before.

In regards to Josh busting Paul in his speeches, I've noticed that too and am absolutely loving that!! Good for him! I was never a huge fan of Josh, but of the 3 remaining, I'd rather see him win it. Seeing Paul get 2nd again would be most glorious (although, seeing him get 3rd would be awesome too). I just hope Cody can manage to vote for Josh if it's between Josh and Paul. I'm sure that's going to be a very hard pill for him to swallow though!

I really hope Celebrity BB is good! I am praying they bring in real celebrities, not BB "celebrities." If they're going to bring in BB "celebrities," then just make it an All-Star season. Not sure if I could stomach another season of Frankie (talk about ruining the season right off the bat). Please CBS, do NOT label Frankie a celebrity!!

Unknown said...

Raven, can you spell delusional? Seriously, not sure if I spelled it right.

Dianne said...

The voting glitch has been fixed and you do NOT need to be an All Access subscriber to vote. Jessica was wrong. Please spread the word, Jamie. Thx!

Clay said...

Raven thinks her and Matt were puppet masters how funny, they were the puppets lol.

Susie said...

I am hoping Paul loses it all, sure he play "good" he had CBS help and a bunch of losers/followers..................
Thank you Jamie for all your work.

rigs said...

Watched last night's episode and Cody was the usual jerk that he is. His becoming AFP is an affront to decency and reveals an underlying darkness in America. He is a crude bully and lucky to have made the jury house. He should have left pre-jury. I'll bet he has gotten knocked on his behind many times. If he was raised that way, it would explain his aggressive and angry behavior. Raven is as "colorful" as she is delusional, though she seems to know how to give credit where it is due by her vote for Paul. Alex got hurt bad and played by Paul but she is smart enough and "big" enough of a person to also give credit where credit is due by saying she would vote for Paul. Jason has been disappointingly brash and angry but if he ends up voting for Paul, that would be a good sign. I'm sure Alex will be working on him. I don't see anything in Cody to show me he is a big enough of a man to give credit where credit is due. Paul has clearly dominated the game in every aspect.

Sammie said...

Have to disagree. I'm voting for Cody because his thoughts on this season and this players is pretty much the same as mine: it sucks. Nobody in this season is truly really likable. But I liked that Cody was the first and truly the only one who ever went against Paul. Respect for that.

Also the credit for Paul's win goes to production. If it was just one thing it would be fine, but he had sooooo much help. Bought friendship with half the house where they felt indebted to him for their safety in the first eviction. Safety for the first 4 evictions. Knowing at least 2 of the house guests before stepping in the house. That's already a lot, but with the way the rest of the house played and talked, it was like Paul had already won. Hard not to believe that at least some of them were ringers for Paul, but if not they are really incredibly stupid.

But just watching Paul's gameplay, he didn't even play a good game. It was really dirty and he wasn't like good, just everyone else was really bad. Also the group bullying orchestrated by Paul was unnecessary for the game and more personal. It was just disgusting and far worse than anything Cody did.

With the head start and dirty game he played, I really can't respect Paul. If there was an option for nobody to win, I would take that.

Atlanta said...

I would love to be a psychologist and examine Raven. She is a nut job! Her saying she was the puppet master and made game moves!? What? Then her constant telling of ridiculous stories and illnesses!

Tulathinks said...

I have never just quit watching BB till now. So stupid

Atlanta said...

I have more to add to my earlier post. I'm now watching the Friday/tonight episode. I'm disgusted by the way Raven & Alex talked to Kevin. I truly dislike Raven,Matt is the dumbest man & he thinks he is so wonderful? I don't get it??? Then there is Alex-just a little snot! Why didn't she get boo'd when she was evicted?
Thanks for letting me vent!
Jaime-you are the bomb!

Unknown said...

Exactly how I feel. This season is terrible. Cody was the only person in the ENTIRE cast who was willing to play the game and make a move. I hate Paul with a passion but he outplayed that house of retards like a fiddle. Too easy for him. Even the jury still seem blind to his manipulative ways. Ridiculous!! Just wanna slap the entire cast for being so stupid.

Mergatroid#1 said...

I agree with everything you said, I'm voting Cody AFP.

Unknown said...

Really sad about this season. Quit watching a month ago and I was angry because I use to live bb. Christmas is disgusting as are Raven Matt Jason and Josh. And Paul? The worst. To know these 3 bullies made it to final 3 sickens me. I hope 1000000 was worth the harm and hurt they caused

Anonymous said...

Per Love above, you need to log in or create an account with CBS in order to vote.

r's mommy said...

Samantha Morse, I completely agree! Cody has my voe too. Paul won't win because of his game play! He will win because it was scripted that way. The only thing Paul's game play showed is what a deplorable person he is. At least Cody did something honorable with his life! Yes, it undoubtedly hardened him but, he saw right threw Paul's BS.

Holly said...

You said that perfectly.

Unknown said...

Any word on the last 3 comps who won lost ???

addie55 said...

I am astonished when I read most of these comments. I do not know Paul personally, have not worked for his mother, and am generally not a contrarian for the sake of an argument; so when I say Paul deserves to win this game, I say it without bias or prejudice. I have watched him maneuver, finagle, and talk, talk, talk his way out of almost every hardship the game could throw at him. He's managed to win comps as needed, throw comps when necessary, talk others into throwing comps to him and others. He has not "graced the block" with his presence this year, but has convinced others to offer themselves up willingly as pawns. More impressive than any of this was his ability to insert himself into almost any duo in the house, making each pair believe he was their savior, their way forward in the game. Even those who were aware he had allegiances with other pairs, felt his allegiance with them was real, the others temporary, only for the gameplay, fleeting and ephemeral. Now, as for his safety for the first 3 weeks, that was given by a vote of the viewers themselves, not CBS. And his final week of safety was given by another houseguest. As far as I can see, Paul has played a brilliant game of Big Brother. If you can't see it, then I most respectfully suggest you probably don't like the man himself. And that's fair too--fair, but astonishing that you can't put your dislike away long enough to congratulate someone on a job well done.

Unknown said...

Samantha love your comment. Well said.

Cynthia said...

Samantha, you said everything that I was thinking. I don't care if Christmas or Josh long as Paul does not. Any true success he has had in the game has been from production. I will never condone the actions of someone that orchestrates bullying, especially when the majority of the bullying was only done on the live feed and never brought to the show.
I also think that delusional does not even come close to Raven. I wish there I could think of a much stronger word, besides just a complete moron.

Drea said...

The reason I watch this show is to take me away from certain tragic events in my life. So, no matter how bad it has been for me it's been a great distraction. Yes Paul had help from production but these people listened to him and then did everything he said to do? I would have never been able to think up all these thing? Win this Comp? Throw this Comp? He had everything planned out! So since there is only the three left he did play some sort of a game compared to others. Cody is frightening, he's got that "kill shot" stare in his eye and has forgotten he is no longer in the military and just can't leave the jury house and go shoot people? If I saw him in the street is run! So yes everyone was disappointed, the season sucked, but Jamie managed again to entertain us all so "Thank You" Jamie! If you can afford it please donte to her she poops her heart and soul every year to entertain us. Hoping we will never have to see this people again but it did let me escape watching the season! Thanks to all your comments were great, most of all thanks Jamie for hanging in there, we appreciate it. AE

Jamie said...

Love ya, chicky!

Anonymous said...

The thing that keeps me from believing that Paul did such a great job is because of the "follow the vet" mentality. I would imagine that any past vet that was half way decent would have sufficed as the "leader of the pack" for these sheep. The first week Paul received safety to "replace" the first evicted HG. OK, that was fair. But, in addition to that, knowing only Paul when the first hex came into play, it was a pretty much given that Paul would win the next three weeks safety as well.

Had he not come in and given half the HG's a friendship bracelet and had four weeks safety, you have to wonder if some of those people would have aligned differently. It could have been a totally different game. So tired of hearing that Paul had a target on his back since week one. How could he have, when by the end of the first four weeks, everyone knew that if they went against the friendship group, they would be the next target? Because of that and the fact that Paul was really a hateful person with his directing his minions to verbally attack the next evictee, I can't wish for a win for him.

Suzee Cue said...

Whatever happens Wednesday night this is Worst BB ever! The cards were stacked against everyone because Paul knew the game and they were starstruck by Paul :-(. Let's give Cameron the money since he got the shaft before the game ever started. I hope CBS doesn't do a repeat of this season.....they'll lose viewers.

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