Rumor has it that:
*Alex got evicted (as planned)
*the vote to evict Alex was split, making HOH Josh break the tie to send Alex out
*Paul won HOH (of course)
*the HOH comp was the same F4 comp Paul won last year (shocker)
This rumor is from someone on Reddit who's been giving correct spoilers all season long, so I have confidence in this rumor, otherwise I would never have posted it.
So, now Paul advances automatically to Final 3 by winning Final 4 HOH. Next target in line, is Kevin so we should see a Josh/Christmas/Paul Final 3..although I wouldn't doubt it if Paul switched gears and wanted Josh out instead of Kevin. We'll see. It's still anybody's game. This week, the Veto Winner has all the power, not the HOH. The only thing winning HOH this week does, is advance that player to Final 3.
Moving forward, I am working on the new home for Celebrity Big Brother today and will have it ready by finale date so y'all can bookmark it (or just go to as usual, I'll have it redirect to the new page..simple enough.)
Also, there was a false rumor (that only lasted about 3 hrs) that America's Favorite Player wasn't going to be awarded this year but it was just a rumor and debunked hours later. So if you heard this rumor, you can dismiss it. Also, Jessica posted weeks ago to not vote for vote for Cody instead, since the votes were split between Cody/Jess. So if you were going to vote for Jess, she's asking you to vote for Cody.
Speaking of Cody, it seems that he'll be the winner of AFP by a mile. In every poll I've done here on the blog, in the facebook group, on addition to other BB alumni polls on Twitter, Cody has been #1 in all of them including BB alumni Janelle's twitter poll the other day:
Stay tuned...
This is my first year following good blog.
Thanks for keeping me up to date when I didn't have time - or the patience lol - to watch the episodes
Welcome to the blog!
wow - so they give the challenge that paul won last year? good god!
Kevin is going to be sorry he didn't just go to the jury house and relax. I will we had a camera there - I bet their conversations are a lot more interesting!
BB gave Paul a lot of comps to play in that he played in last year. Mix that with 4 evictions of safety, plus mark giving him safety 1 week, a cast of either the dumbest people on the planet or ringers for Paul to win..and's pretty "easy to win" then, isn't it. ;) haha
I'm done with this season, let's get going with Celeb BB!!!!! :D
Sure seems like a set-up to me - hearing that Raven possibly knew Paul before the show and now hearing that Christmas did, too? Maybe something happened during BB18 whereas Paul was "instructed" by production to take Nicole to final 2, but was assured a win and when that didn't happen, they needed to build a cast for Paul to win BB19. Pure speculation on my part, but I just cannot wrap my head around the non-game play of these HGs!
Doesn't BB do the same comps but different themes every single year? So, I dont understand how people make that a "point" that CBS is handing it to Paul when they're supposedly "giving him the same comps he has won last year"? And yay! I will be voting for Cody to win AFP just to spite Paul and his minions.
Mama: its because this year is such a slap in the face to the fans..Paul/Raven knew each other before entering the house, same comps he won or came close in, dumbest HG's (or ringers for Paul to Raven/Alex/Christmas/Matt)..and yesterday was a new rumor that Paul knew Chritmas before the show because him/her mom worked together. Throw in the 4 weeks of evictins saftey and it's just so damn easy for him to "win" the game.
If it was any other season without all the additional "help" for a vet, I dont' think it'd be such a big deal..just frowned upon. It's a mixture of everything that has fans up in arms.
I have "visited" other blog/fan sites & we are definitely not the only ones saying/seeing the BS going on. So my question is (if looked) has CBS made any comments about what fans are saying, never mind that bogus BS about BB & Juile saving CBS during the summer in my opinion that was total hype.
The celebrity I want to see most on this show is Gary Busey that mofo is crazy as hell tell me it wouldn't be entertaining watching him bug out on people lol
Thank you for making this blog, and for making it through this poop-show of a season.
So many people I'm not a fan of this season. If people really want to make a point of protest to production, I would hope they would vote for the self-evicting Meagan instead of Cody. Cody did very little have wise, and what he did do was not very effective. I'm not a Paul fan this year, but Cody shouldn't be rewarded for productions' missteps. A real protest vote, in my mind, would go to Meagan. Just my 2 cents.
Just looking at Paul makes me sick. I want to take a lawn mower to that ugly beard of his. If he does win, it's because of all the stupid people in the house. The only one who had his number from the beginning was Cody. If Paul did not have safety that first week, I think things would be different. However, you can't change stupid.
Just looking at Paul makes me sick. I want to take a lawn mower to that beard of his. If he wins its because the house guests are just plain stupid. The only one who had Paul's number from the beginning was Cody. If Paul did not have safety that first week, things might be different. But then again, it would be the same house guests and you can't change stupid.
Jamie: didn't forget the incredible editing production has done.
Oh I know, right?! Goodie goodie edit.
As long as it's not Frankie!!! I am so tired of seeing him on everything. CBB Uk, him and Paul on that new show Candy Crush.... PLEASE no Frankie!!
On the real-real, though... keeping tabs on vegasforsure's spoilers on reddit to see if he's actually right - that's been far more interesting than the actual BB season - that and this blog.
You're my spirit animal (human).
You do a fantastic job Jamie. I look forward to Celebrity BB.
That's Jamie for blogging because I just couldn't stomach the HGs this season once Cody and Jess left, no big moves or anything exciting and all that crying from Josh (geez grow a pair) Your blog at least let me know what was still not going on in the house. Hope next season is better
Hi Jamie,
This is my first time posting but I've been following your blog for 5 years now. I love it! Keep doing what your doing!
I got my little sister hooked on Big Brother and through her I got invited to a BB fantasy league. I picked Paul (5th! I figured he would be my best bet winning) and Elena. It's like I should be happy that I'm going to win but so depressed by how the season turned out. Barf.
Hi Jamie,
This is my first time posting but I've been following your blog for 5 years now. I love it! Keep doing what your doing!
I got my little sister hooked on Big Brother and through her I got invited to a BB fantasy league. I picked Paul (5th!? I figured he would be my best bet winning) and Elena. I've never been so bummed about winning anything in my life.
Yes!!! Cannot stand Frankie! Just riding on his sister's coat tails..
They have been the weakest players yet
They have been the weakest players yet
So Josh is a dumbass, why wouldn't he vote out kevin and team up with Alex? It would have been them against p-12/25...either way one of them would be gone and no one is going vote p or 12/25. ..and another irritating thing about Josh, DUDE STOP F'ING CRYING...geesh he like a me when im on my cycle, all emotional and shit!
It went just like your source said. Kevin could mess up their final 3, but that's doubtful.
Wonderingn if CBS reads the reactions about the disappointments in this season. Does it make a difference to them?
I just meant when it came to the competitions, period. All that other stuff is shady and makes me want to reconsider even watching BB again. TBH I haven't watched it the past couple of weeks and just read your blog lol over it
He also knew Christmas she worked for Paul's mom..
My guess is The Revengers vs actual celebs for next season
Dont we usually get more jury in house coverage where they get to see the video of evictions ect. I hope production isn't holding that back this year to hide the truth from jury members in ANOTHER boost for Paul!
Paul...Stop with the fake tears!!
How strange that Paul goes from fake crying to then laughing about those fake tears to then "crying" about cutting Alex...all after he appears to be shaken to the core about his BB Comics illustration. Since he realized he was being portrayed as a villain, he cries his crocodile tears for the camera. He is doing damage control to make himself look human instead of the creepy snake Dominique and Cody knew him to be. The only hope is that we get another bitter jury, they all vote for whoever is against Paul, and we get to watch Paul be gutted on national television. Once when one of his minions wins and then salt in the wound when Cody wins AFP. Sad that this season has soured me and so many others...
I watched last night and could barely take it - there is just something about Paul that I so dislike. I almost felt bad for Alex when she finally realized that she and Jason had been totally played, it was like the light bulb went off.
If Paul didn't have all those safe weeks given to him in the beginning, it might have been a totally different game
It's just my opinion but this is the worst big brother cast of all time as far as game play and and down right immature cast!
Lots of disappointment.
So weak and immature that I may never watch it again
So rumor has it Paul won the veto so Kevin will be voted out by Christmas tonight.
So what Paul played this game last year! It wasn't the same bleeps. Give him the credit of playing the way Big Brother is supposed to be played. The other houseguests got played plain and simple. Anyone of the others could have played that way too. And before someone says poor Cody him and Jessica had a HOH and didn't put Paul up so they were caught up in it too.
I was wondering the same thing
TeriPie - exactly what I was thinking. I think we have only seen one person arrive, Elena.
Also I think there were less goodbye messages shown this season. After Josh's message to Jason I would of loved to seen what he said to Alex. They had time as they could of played those instead of asking HG how they felt about their comic.
Thanks Jamie for enduring this season - you are AMAZING!
So we can't vote AFP unless we have All Access? CBS doesn't make that clear; apparently my "votes" were phantom votes. This means the polls are skewered, but oh well.
Dudes head was never the same after a motorcycle accident.
I just voted for America's Favorite Player on Says you can vote up to 20 times per day but I was able to vote way more than 20 times this morning. Saw Jessica Graf's tweet, she says you must have a CBS All Access account or your votes won't count!?? That doesn't sound right, Julie didn't mention that on last night's episode. What's up??
Is there anywhere they are showing goodbye messages for Alex or will she even get them?
I love how once Paul realizes he is a villain he switches gears to seem sympathetic to the audience.
There hasn't been much screen time of the Jury House. After this season, do you think CBS is paying the jury members extra money to vote Paul? I mean he is the only person playing the game...which means by definition he actually SHOULD win. However, he is also playing a terrible game for the viewers. They put group of sycophants in the house with him, with players stating they WANT to lose and come back. What are your thoughts?
I so hope everyone in jury sees Paul for the lowdown twofaced snake he truly is.
Dianne, I don't think you need to worry about the votes being skewed. A good majority of the people who have CBS Access are the people who will be voting so we have been able to see what has been going on very well.
Although people criticize Cody, out of the HG's, since none are very desirable, I am basing my vote on who I think was the only person who had the nerve to stand up to Paul. These people shouldn't have been allowed in the house because they weren't prepared to play the game. They seemed to believe the goal was to idolize a returning vet and do whatever he wished. They got in so deep that there was no way anyone was going to vote Paul out so why even bother nominating him and know you were the next target. It's no wonder he was allowed to skate to the end.
I think its totally scripted.
I can't believe I have to cheer for Josh to win this season
Lol! I feel the same way!!
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