Winner of the Veto is:
Paul will pull Alex off the block, put up Kevin as the renom and then it's bye-bye Jason on Thursday. Alex admitted that she threw the veto to Paul last night, a decision I'm sure she's going to regret on Thursday night during the Double Eviction (after Jason leaves, and she's next in line to go). They both think Kevin is the target.
Paul asked Jason which one he should save this week with the veto, and Jason stupidly said it doesn't matter. Paul said that Alex wants to be taken down, so he'll pull her down then. Jason is okay with that. (*head desk*)
In other news, Josh has been waking up to Paul covering himself with everyone in the house and Paul only having Paul's game in mind when doing stuff. He told all this to Christmas (on a few occasions, including last night at 12:05am BBT) but again, Christmas dismissed it and said they can't take each other out.
Kevin tried to talk to Paul last night and told him to get Alex out instead of Jason (so he can team up with Jason, but Paul already knows this would happen and its why Alex has to go). Paul was dismissive and said he was too tired to talk.
*And that's it for The Overnighter. Paul is still controlling these idiots, Jason/Alex are going to be blindsided on Thursday and if Alex doesn't win HOH or Veto, she'll be following her ride or die out the door Thursday night.
Stay tuned...
BB19 would make for a fascinating psychological study on the birth of a cult.
I really do hate that these past few seasons have been taking the fun out of blogging for you but you still go hard in the paint and it's very respectable I think CBS needs to get ahold of Jamie and let her host an HOH comp next season what do you guys think I think that would be the tits lol keep kicking butt ma'am
Lol! Thx Dalton!! Xx
Alex talking about throwing the HOH to Paul this week but wonder if she will still do it after Jason goes out. I think even if she's angry, Paul will schmooze and convince her that it is for the best for them to get to F2.
Paul wants the votes to be tied so Christmas can break the tie, hence putting the target on her head. Meanwhile Paul will convince Alex that he didn't vote Jason out (because he isn't, he will have Raven and Josh vote Jason, Christmas breaks tie). He knows Alex won't and he can let Alex wonder who the other vote to get Jason out.
I thought Christmas was finally catching on when Paul wanted the votes to be tied instead of all for Jason. Really, that is the only way to do it but if it's tied, Paul will still have Jason out and he can lie and say it was Raven so blood is on Christmas' head. How can Christmas not see this as there is no logic other than Paul wanting to have Alex on his side. She even told Paul this benefits his game instead of hers but I guess she thinks it's okay this turn for it to be in Paul's favor and THEN Josh and her will have their turn to have the favor??? Paul is saying it is better to split and break the tie so he can pull Alex over. Well, duh, he can do that even if all the votes were for Jason, can't he?
I'm so glad that at least Josh has been throwing things out to Christmas the last couple of weeks. He even tried to get her to say she doesn't trust Paul as Josh was hinting to her.
And, Raven, unbelievable! Does she really think she can compare herself with Will who never won an HOH, just because she has played a great social game (her words)? That woman takes the grand prize for clueless of the year competition.
Did anyone happen to watch when Paul told Josh and Christmas that he won AFP last year but wasn't eligible because he was in F2? He is so full of himself it's a wonder he doesn't explode. Julie said last year that Victor got more votes than anyone else in BB history for AFP, didn't she? BTW, he's looking pretty buff lately from his pics on twitter. Great job of toning up Victor!
I read about that, poppycock! Speaking of Vic, he and Nicole are really cute together, but if girlfriend ever wants to get married she's gonna have to leave that tiny town she lives in, she was the only one in her h s. graduating class. btw like most vets, Vic doesn't think much the BB19 cast (going by their tweets).
Animal-people getting carted to an abattoir. Each and every single one of them. Paul is painting his barn with the blood they decided for themselves they didn't want on their "hands," as he convinced them that that's a worse thing than being a person who takes responsibility for themselves. UGH!
If you're on Twitter check out the BB19 cartoons via @BBFunnies 😎
Yuk Raven was picking her nose the whole time they talking in the back room with Josh and Paul. I guess you forgot you was on TV. I think everybody pics are knows but they usually wash their hands afterwards and you have like a napkin or something.
If Paul continues to dominate the game and doesn't get voted out, he deserves to win plain and simple. This is not a popularity game, it is a game of chance, skill and luck. Anything can still happen. Christmas sticks with Paul because she knows that is her best chance at getting the furthest in the game, possibly even 2nd place.
Wow! That would be so cool! Jamie-that would be so dope! I love you because you keep plugging along for all of us! You always mirror my thoughts and add a humorous elimate that is spot on!
They will all get socially roasted for many months when they get out... I hope they find an island in the storm that awaits them. This is not the fame they wished upon themselves but it is theirs to own.
Thanks Atlanta!!
I'm sorry. But no. There's no way. No way that these people are this blind. It has to be a pre-determined arrangement that everyone was in on. There's no way they are all doing what Paul wants because they "trust him 100%". Nope. No way.
So my wife and I were discussing this season (We have more things to talk about than this but we have been BB fans for a long time so....) and it's like watching college kids at Harvard with a full ride not go to class to teach us (the viewer) a lesson that will never be realized because it's so stupid of a lesson.
So I told my wife what they need is a MRS Garrett figure from the Facts of Life. Now hear me out... I mean Wouls.a.person named Tootie get a fair shake in the house without a MRS Garrett? I know there is a girl named Christmas but at least she is a religious holiday rather than named for a pleasant child's fart. Tootie wouldn't last. How about Joe who was a car theif on the show and she got reapect thanks to Mrs Garrett... and then there Mindy who would be standing in the corner at every party or eviction if it weren't for Mrs Garrett.
So this is what the final season of BB looks like? Surely CBS doesn't think they can recover from the failure that is BB19.
I have the live feeds but I do not watch all the time. I am wondering is there a reason they are wearing the pool floats around the house???
I seriously cannot for the life of me wrap my head around how stupidly and blindly every single one of them completely trust Paul a vet who made it to final two!! OMG I cannot believe they are all that stupid!!! I thought for a minute perhaps Alex had a little brains in her head, but when I saw tonight's episode, nope she is just as stupid as the rest of them.
Nope, Paul did it last season and thinks it's funny again this season. It's not. Alex joined in.
If they get another opportunity at this double eviction to oust Paul and they don't......I'm team Paul all the way! He deserves to win! These idiots are just too dumb! He's played every one of them like a fiddle, and they all handed him the bow and told him how to do it!! I truly think that if Cody would have just discussed his plan week one with his alliance...Maybe the outcome would've been different! We need a new casting director!!! All newbies, no vets, variety of ages and backgrounds and see what happens!
Just went to see the comics @BBfunnies, spot on! Also watched some live feeds "highlight convos" with Christmas/Paul/Josh. Christmas & Paul treat Josh like the village idiot and it's funny that Josh is the only one who really sees what is going on with Paul. Too bad Paul had so much advantage to begin his show and had so many weak-minded players that by the last half, no one dared jump ship and play their own game.
Since Cody is leading polls for AFP, I hope it stays that way and we can at least get some fun out of watching Paul's reaction. Cody really is the ONLY person who dared to play his own game against Paul.
Absolutely agree. I would love to see some "real" people in this game. A bunch of people that are simply known for being their own people and refuse to follow others. Some strong personalities. Enough with these people who just want to be famous and seek everyone's approval. It's so boring and predictable every single week. Urgh.
I have the live feeds, but am wondering; are they even worth watching anymore? Just seems like all they do is laugh about dumb crap and follow Paul around. He made a point one time...that he would talk about his opinion on something...someone else would agree...and then he would purposely change his point of view to see if their view changed as well...and surprise did...I mean...I don't like ANY of these people. I'd want Jason to win for the simple fact that he just had a baby...or Kevin for his family...but everyone else...jeeze. And Paul is already Rich. He doesn't need any nore money or any more of an ego boost. So sad. Also, does anyone remember the pictures of him and Raven together? If these two go to the end together I'm calling some b.s. here...
Cody sucks, is he really AFP?
Surely Cody will not get AFP. He did try to get Paul out I will give him that but when Jessica got HOH they put up Josh and Ramses so they didn't try to get him again. His and his girlfriend's game was only to stay in bed!
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