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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thursday Night Double Eviction

Happy Double Eviction Day, guys & gals!! Tonight, we will watch Jason get the boot, followed by Alex leaving right behind him, if all goes according to plan. Paul has Raven ready to win HOH tonight, and he plans to fake fight with Josh to appear that they're not talking and so that he can get on Alex's side post-eviction of her ride or die, Jason. This is in case she wins HOH, then hopefully she won't target them (Paul/Xmas/Josh). So just know that if Josh/Paul fight tonight, it's fake.

Like I said, Jason will leave and Alex is the next target in line. If Alex wins HOH or Veto, Raven will be the backup plan and get evicted instead. Kevin is convinced that he's going home tonight, and since Paul took Alex off the block and then Kevin was the renom, it makes sense on why he thinks he's getting backdoored..but he's not. Kevin is safe.

In other news, Christmas finally admitted (albeit to us live feedsters and not to Josh himself) that Josh is actually right about Paul stacking jury votes. Will she team up with Josh and actually do something about it? Probably not. (*I have zero hope left for this cast to actually do anything. lol)

Tonight's live double eviction starts at 9pm ET/8pm, so meet me back here as I'll live blog tonight's live episode! If you're not near a TV, you can watch tonight's show live by using your live feeds pass. Just click on "Live TV" at 9pm ET.

9:00pm ET:
Show begins...

The Votes:
Alex votes to evict...KEVIN
Raven votes to evict...JASON
Paul votes to evict...KEVIN
Josh votes to evict...JASON (Josh was in tears voting him out)

It's a tie, which means Christmas (HOH) will have to make the tie breaker...

Evicted from the BB House is:

(he was totally blindsided & he's pissed)

Josh/Paul are doing a fake fight, as planned. 

Josh outted Paul in his goodbye message to Jason, saying it was his elaborate plan to get him out this week and he had to make the game move. Then Paul came on the screen, playing victim. Jason's pissed at Paul. (*Bye bye possible jury vote. lol)

9:24pm BBT:
Time for the HOH Comp!! (Paul's plan is to have Raven win it, let's see if that happens.)

Winner of the HOH is:

Nominated for Eviction are:

Time for the Veto Comp!

Winner of the Veto is:


The Veto was NOT used. 
(*face palm*)

The Votes:
Paul votes to evict...RAVEN
Xmas votes to evict...RAVEN
Josh votes to evict...KEVIN
Evicted from the BB House is:


Celebrity Big Brother will be this Winter!! (*Yes, I will absolutely be blogging that!!!!)

There will be a (taped) eviction on Weds night and then live eviction Thursday.
*end of show*

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

I had a thought early this am. Since Christmas/Josh have basically been in on the scheming with Paul all season & they would certainly talk about this during the F2 speech, shouldn't Paul be thinking that they might get at least some votes?

Conversely, other than Matt, who in their right mind would cast a vote for Raven. Why wouldn't he be thinking this and be scheming that once Christmas/Josh have served their (his) purpose once Jason, Alex, & Kevin are gone and then, if possible, keep Raven for F2. It would be the sure win for him. Maybe that's why he wants everyone to throw the HOH comp tonight to her (because he really doesn't want her to be the next target).

Unknown said...

So no overnighter today? Dang.

Unknown said...

Can we please not vote this as the "Worst Season Ever".... but as " The Slowest Version Of Hot Potatoe"???!!!!!

Donna said...

Christmas can't go against Paul as her broken foot keeps her from competing like she would like too. Josh can't win comps so she must depend on Paul for this. Without Paul she is toast and with him she may go to the final two, although for Paul it would be better if he took Raven. Look what happened to Cody when he took Derrick, I forget what season.

Unknown said...

After hearing Christmas's DR confession last night, I have slightly more respect for her game. Saying that she realizes she can't compete and needs Paul and Josh to essentially drag her along all the while realizing that Paul is running the house is so much better than seeing the two idiots, Alex and Jason, talk about how they trust Paul etc etc etc, while they have no clue they are being played. And neither of them actually needing Paul. Alex nor Jason needed Paul to win, especially not Alex, yet they allowed him to manipulate them right out the door.
I also find it funny how the edits for last nights episode make it seem like the house is waking up to Paul's plan, as production realizes people have lost interest. When I turned it over to BB last night my wife literally groaned and said "do we have to watch the Paul show tonight?" And over the course of the episode, we both found ourselves going wait, maybe they are waking up to it? Only to remember wait, what did Jamie blog about this episode? Oh right never mind, just production editing it trying to keep fans involved.

rigs said...

Christmas has been for a long time settled into being in the F2 with Paul and hopefully getting 2nd place. I've said this before and she told someone recently that she knows she can't win the comps in the finals and hopes for F2. She is no dummy and is doing the best with what she has. That being said, she hasn't done all that well at comps she can compete in. Paul has things set up pretty good for himself but it is Big Brother and expect the unexpected.

Dianne said...

Christmas & Alex both think they will be invited back so if they don't win this time they will win next time, you know like Nicole did last year and most likely Paul this year. I hope they are wrong! NOOOOO!

dappledog said...

I think you mentioned that Paul told Josh to tell Jason that he's going home tonight before the votes. Why doesn't Josh tell Paul, I'm not your puppet and you tell him. Plus will they make it a tie so Christmas has to make the decision?

Angelface said...

Agreed Dianne, that is what I think two.

The main problem with any year, is people who don't play the game, only about 5 of them came in with the goal to win, the rest just came for the 5 mins of fame, which is 100% on the BB recruiting team, those people that come just to say, I was there or the ones that just show off to the cameras, are such a waste for the viewers and real players in the game,
I hate that type Way more then I dislike how Cody, Alex or Paul have played,
Truly do not get why BB can't put in people that want to play the game, I know there are at least 100,000. People out there that don't have mommy issues, or deranged personalities who would happily come to play every year,
I don't mind the goofy, clowning around types, but the truly freaky people need to be in a new sanitarium reality show, that takes place on skull island with King Kong!

I'm way more disappointed in the people that allowed Paul to manipulate them, then I am in Paul for being the manipulator.

I really can't believe they are not comparing notes by now.

The biggest! I can't believe this crap, was the last HOH Christmas won, I can't believe BB let them do that in such an obvious way! They should have put a stop to that period. Every single one of them should feel like a piece of crap!
BB knew they were tossing it to Christmas, from the conversations before, this lack of action by BB should make this show the laughingstock of the century. Should be a mass amount of pink slips on the BB CBS lot.

Anonymous said...

I think they need to cast better. But also up the ante. If they are getting a stipend that is more or about what they make in real life, THAT's why they want to make it to jury. Free vacation!

But if you made the prize $1M, it might get people to really step itup. 500k after taxes is less than 300k. It's not like you can retire on that.

Maybe it's not in the budget. But they could take the money they spent building things like that useless tree of temptation and put it towards the prize! lol

Anonymous said...

Most of these people don't really expect to win in the end. Once they make it to jury, they know they are going to continue to get the $1,000 per week thru the end. Isn't that the same amount they get when they are in the house? They talk about how nice and how much fun jury is so if they don't expect to get to F2, why not take the vacation in the plush jury house instead? Much nicer vaca there. Instead of getting $1,000 while still competing, maybe CBS should increase that amount to give them incentive to make it past "just jury".

Cynthia said...

I think Jason had the best reaction when he was blindsided. I actually felt a little bad for him. After they all compare notes in Jury, I hope to God that they do not vote for Paul because they all got played by him.

Unknown said...

She should've nominated Christmas and Paul! Why, Alex, why??!?!

mgross_rn said...

It's too bad Jason is a disgusting person .... his exit interview would have made him likeable.

Unknown said...

At the very least Josh and Christmas... she's just really that dumb I guess.

angie said...

I keep waiting for the big move that never comes.

Clay said...

Why didnt Alex put up Christmas because she is the one that took jason out?

Unknown said...

I was SO confident Josh would use veto and Alex could put up Paul. WHY did that not happen????? He's caught on to Paul, but missed his chance to do something about it

Unknown said...

Why?!? Why?!? Josh you had ONE job!!!!

Clay said...

Ding dong the witch is gone the witch is gone ding dong the wicked witch is gone. Thank goodness

BBWatcher said...

They are all on to Paul and his schemes. I thought he was the sure winner, but now I'm not so sure.

Unknown said...

Way to go Alex. Take te knife out of your back and hand it right back to the people that put it there. What a waste.

dappledog said...

OMG!! Really Alex!! You are as dumb as a bag of rocks!! You just lost your ride or die and you think Kevin and Raven was some how behind it? SMDH!! Seriously!!! Should have put up Paul and Christmas!

DAVINCI said...

I thought they already did celebrity bb but it was called celebrity rehab....

Dobi said...

Ha ha Clay! I'm totally "sang" that in tune!

Andy Tatnall said...

So what's the over/under on all the "celebrities" being stars of other CBS shows and CBS-owned properties?

Dianne said...

Alex is so stupid, Christmas sent her ride or die home & she didn't even put her up let alone Paul. ARRRRRRRGH!

Anonymous said...

Well, at least one good thing came out of tonight's show...Raven is gone!

Why or why would Josh go ahead with the planned fake argument & put himself in such a bad light with Alex?

Right at the end of the show when Paul was talking to Alex & Josh, he was saying he didn't vote Jason out & didn't know who did (alluding in front of Josh that it was two other people, which would mean, Christmas, Josh, or Raven). Then, when Christmas came in the door, Paul switched and was saying he voted Raven out. Josh looked at Christmas like, Paul's putting the doubt on us? And, did Christmas act angry when she said to Paul, I need to talk to you for a minute?

This is what it sounded like to me and curious to see what others think about the end of the show. Of course, live feeds down for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Feeds back shortly with Paul and Christmas berating Josh in front of Alex. Too bad Christmas is so up Paul's butt or maybe Josh could get the others to go after Paul.

rigs said...

It looks like Josh, Christmas and Alex all want to be in the F2 with Paul. Some time ago I think I saw Alex and Paul planning on being the F2. Paul made it past the double eviction. Alex could make it to the F3 if Kevin goes next. If Paul, Josh, Christmas and Alex make it to F4, the outcome from that will be interesting to see play out. Paul, Josh and Christmas would make an interesting F3. Alex with any combination of an F3 would be interesting also.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Razldazlrr said...

ok - of course, alex was a damn fool - what a waste to put up kevin and raven

I am so glad that Josh called out paul on his video - Jason will go to the jury house and tell everyone

OMG - Raven - she does a cartwheel - she is truly a nutcase - she played the game! ha ha ha - it was almost painful to watch julie try to figure out what to say to her - she is one way out there chickadoo!

at least julie chen dressed normal tonite

Unknown said...

How does Raven go from crying and playing the victim when exiting the house to doing cartwheels and cheerleader moves when she is in front of the live studio audience?

Unknown said...

Love how Raven tried to call out Kevin for not playing the game and Julie was like "what was your game?" "Uhhhhh I threw comps for Paul" 🤦‍♂️ smh

Angelface said...

Raven was all about the cameras, every step she took was planned in her crazy fake head.

Alex, I've felt she knew that Jason was going, since Jason refused to put Kevin up, she has been willing to let him go.

Josh OMG! 🤔

There are so many things wrong with the game, BB has a really bad habit of trying to keep gimmicks up, there have been some really bad ones.

Agree with you both Chicklet and Brian.

There are so many things they could do to really allow the viewers to enjoy the whole season.
Adding in more players, so they can speed the game up would be nice, more people gives them way more options to add in evictions mid week, do more Fast forwards or double evictions, kick out the ones that should be, make the final 8 much faster by doing doubles and shorter weeks, like 3 days instead of 7.
Most definitely stop interfering with the actual game like they have for years now. Even the battle backs, should be a chance for everyone through the game up to final 5.

Chikis said...


Unknown said...

Please dear God, let Dr. Will ask Raven about all her illnesses

It's Easy Mmmkay said...

The best moment of the season, by far, was the audience's audible groan after Paul's goodbye message to Jason.

djone said...

Josh squandered two potential big moves tonight that may have helped deem him more worthy than Paul with the jury members. With the first vote tonight...he should have flipped and voted out Kevin. One of Paul's followers would have been eliminated and he then could have revealed to Jason and Alex how he saved their games. He could have told Xmas he did this to "protect" her from Paul putting most of the blame on them and not being a "team" player. Then he would have had Jason and Alex gunning for Paul. His second error was not using the veto. Take Kevin down, explain to Kevin and Alex how Paul orchestrated the take down of Jason, have Raven on the block as a non-vote, and then Josh and Kevin could have voted out Paul via a backdoor...they didnt need Xmas's vote at all! Alas, none of that happened, and we went right back to Big Paul 19! The jury will reward whomever cuts Paul and Josh missed a chance here to court the jury.

My money is on Bobby Moynihan being on the celebrity BB if his new show tanks/goes on hiatus.

I feel nauseous after tonight's ep...I was actually cheering for Josh when he spilled the tea about Paul. I hope Jason tells the jury what he saw and how fake Paul was being whining about being backdoored like Jason. These lemmings just keep jumping off that cliff...

Unknown said...

Paul finally crossed the "grate on my nerves" line tonight. At least Josh has finally fully woken up to it. And at least Jason sees the truth now. But goodness gracious. I really hope he does not win. Wouldn't it be great if Josh, Alex & Kevin teamed up against Paul & Christmas? Surely Alex has to be catching on ... Right?

Unknown said...

Yes the houseguests have been oblivious to Paul,but he's the one to take to the final 2. He once again has overestimated his likeability factor. No matter how many comps he wins, he won't get the majority of jury votes. Definitely not from Cody,Mark, Elena, and now Jason. Alex is surely going to trade sides against him if she doesn't make it to final 2. This will be another butter jury
So Paul once again has played too hard, and miscalculated and will be runner up. He has not shot at winning.

Sammie said...

I also think they should let the fans vote who to get rid of like they do in UK or at least vote on a third nominee and one vote to evict like in BBOTT. The housemates can kinda see what America thinks of them and maybe it'll humble them a little. We could also weed out the people who just want 15min of fame and people that are boring to watch. Whether you liked Jody or not, the show was boring to watch after they left bc everyone is just going along until Paul decides it's their turn to die. Not fun. No competition is boring.

Sammie said...

I think some people hit on it that the most annoying is not that people are following Paul, but that people who don't need him to win are still letting him run their game. Unfortunately I don't think Christmas, Josh, or Kevin stand a chance at winning any comps, especially against Paul and they know it. So they're kinda letting him take them as far as possible until he wins. Maybe they might be able to campaign and even win against him especially if the jury is bitter. Which it is mostly stacked with bitter people. But they just have to hope Paul picks them for F2. Comp wise they can't do anything else.

What I don't get is people like Alex and Jason. They don't need Paul to win and in fact they definitely can't win because of Paul. Alex has actually ruined her game because of Paul. Why lay down and die when you actually can win? It's not a for sure thing you'll get asked back. Especially when America hates you.

Lea said...

Because she's cray!!

Anumol said...

Alex would never put Paul up..she is so mesmerized by him.she would have put Xmas, this is Josh ride or die. Why would he take that chance?

Anonymous said...

Great comments, especially dappledog's "you think somehow Raven and Kevin were behind Jason leaving". That should have been her biggest clue what was going on.

Unknown said...

Who is hoh?

Unknown said...

My heart gutted for jason. I've been eating bb since bb6 andive seem blindsided but this was emotional for me.. I like jason... man that's messed up!!

Joe said...

I liked when jason hit paul with the door on the way out, lol.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Raven switched like a lightbulb. Crying to full cartwheel grrr

Psalms46:10 said...

Alex and Jason would not have believed Josh if he voted off Kevin and then told them about Paul's plan to backdoor Jadon because that's what Alex and Jason thought was going to happen all along, that's what Paul promised them was that Kevin was the target so if Josh had flipped and voted off Kevin it would just look like Paul's plan to get Kevin out was loyal all along and that Josh would not be being a team player and then the house would flip on him and he would then become the target.

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