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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Veto Comp Results

Good evening, ladies & gents!! Today the live feeds  were off for over 4 hrs as the Veto Comp was played. 

Players for Veto were:

When the feeds came back on, the winner was revealed to be...

Winner of Veto is: 

**EDIT: there was confusion on who won Veto, but it is 100% Paul.

This doesn't mean much since Jessica is definitely going to be using the Halting Hex to save herself/Cody from eviction, thus making winning veto even pointless this week. Paul's HOH is essentially a waste and since he can't play in the next HOH (regardless if the halting hex is used or not), him winning HOH turned out to be a bad thing for his game.

I'll see y'all tomorrow with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy watching the live feeds!!

Stay tuned...
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Angelface said...

Paul said he was going to question the DR god, for more details on the HEX, since J\C had different answers for how the HEX worked one said it was for 3 weeks the other 4, Paul is pretty sure there is a catch to this, since J\C were so upset about both being put up together.
The HEX did say if she uses it, it would change the course of the entire Big Brother game.
So, anything could happen!
I have to say Paul is a very smart cookie, it is not hard to see why so many of them are fallowing his lead. Like him or not! He is very good at this game and would deserve to win if he makes it to the end.

Still have no other person stepping up to root for, until then Paul is growing on me. LOL! I could not stand him last year..

Callejera said...

I wonder what would happen if he took Jessica down tho. She'd be torn as what to do. Save herself or Cody this week and possibly ruin her own game later right? Hmmm....

Nicole said...

She would still use it. I can't she her not saving Cody.

Angelface said...

Callejera, if Paul took her down it might help her understand Cody is done in the game. If she uses it.
they plan to put her up next week, the last eviction before jury, basically one of them will not make it to jury no matter what she does this week|
From what I understand, if she use it on Cody, like she's been saying, she would save him, then she will become Target #1 For the rest of the house.
Paul is going to talk with her about some options, if she uses the HEX they will go after her next week and she wouldn't make jury. If she lets Cody be evicted they won't push her out, they will play with her as usual.

Cody wants her to cut him lose, he knows he is the only reasons she is in a bad position.

Hope I said all that right. Basically it won't matter if she uses it, Cody is at the top of everyone's list.
What she isn't taking into account is, she is risking her game to save Cody, she needs the money she will make if she goes to jury or can make it to thr end.
We will soon find out!

Unknown said...

Production has handed this to Paul. They wanted him to win last year. Hand him the money now.

Unknown said...

It really isn't a waste of Paul's HOH. The temptation needed to be flushed out after her revealing it on the live show. There has got to be some other catch to this hex for them to get so upset about both of them being put up on the block. She mentioned in her talk to Paul that it doesn't work if both are up there, it would have been fine if it was just one of them.

Is this new competition a new twist or a curse from the hex. I was reading that because this is a big temptation that the curse would be a big one too. This new competition doesn't seem like a curse because you don't have to compete if you don't want to. I think this is just another twist. I think that the curse won't be revealed until she uses the hex.

It should be an interesting week!

Watcher said...

IMHO, this is what Paul needs to do.

He needs to remind Jessica that when she was on the block the vote to evict Dom was unanimous...nobody voted for Jessica because everyone likes her (wink). Convince her that using the hex will force a double eviction in the future, and that is "dangerous" to her game. He also should point out that by not using it THIS week, she still can use it NEXT week.

Then, Paul needs to use the power of veto to pull Cody off of the block and replace him with another big target (Mark/Elena). Then Paul (and the house) needs to convince Jessica and Cody that either Mark/Elena or Jason is the target and that Jessica is 100% safe. By not using the Hex, SHE will cause one of them to go home without putting blood on her hands.

Once she doesn't use it, the house should vote her out. BLINDSIDE. Cody already isn't liked and doesn't have a social game. Without her, he is toast.

QueenBee said...

I have to admit I'm a little behind in watching the shows, but since I've been on vacation I've been you using your blog to stay up to date. Jamie, you do an amazing job!!! Does anyone know/has it been revealed what the REAL consequence of the Hex is or what the Hex actually entails?

Meagan said...

Agree, Cody is absolutely horrible at this game. He has zero social skills and Jess is just wasting her gameplay on this guy. The sad reality is outside the house these two are a total mismatch. He has no money, no car and no job. Jess is a little high maintenance. He will hate her job and they will implode quickly. He drags her down. When he was gone she began to play the game and was doing fine. He comes back and it's back to locking themselves in a room and Cody proclaiming he needs to do the world a favor and breed because of their superior genetic stock. He is an arrogant jerk. Kevin's assessment was correct, he had to have been locked in a cellar as a kid.

Unknown said...

'Jody's' games crumbled the minute she listened to him, like she said she wasn't going to do, and didn't pull Ramses off the block. She will look back on that, once she is evicted and realise that is when her luck ran out.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Great post! Paul only one playing.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Conspiracy theorist awake.

Zayne said...

I mean, 3 weeks of immunity on a silver platter pretty much gives any conspiracy theories weight.

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