Earlier, the houseguests picked players for veto and...
Playing for Veto is:
So, Cody didn't get picked to play, which means this week is already done & over with. In fact, Paul said how great it is that they can get Cody out this week and now they "don't have to talk game for the rest of the week". So..that's gonna make my job pretty much impossible. Don't shoot the messenger when all I have to blog about is screenshots of the HG's sleeping, working out, eating, or in the backyard swimming and shooting pool.
And if you ever questioned the stupidity of the HG's this year, this should clear it up:
Matt to Raven- Us sending Cody home this week is so huge, cause now Paul might not get nominated again until Final 5 #BB19— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) August 12, 2017
As for Jessica (as she watches Cody in the house from the live feeds)...
Let me back in the damn house. I can't take this damn Paul cult! I justttt told you guys he's running everything! Give me a break.— Jessica Graf (@theejessicagraf) August 12, 2017
The Veto Comp will be played today, though it doesn't matter. Paul or one of his minions will win veto and take Jason down, put Cody up and he's going to jury Thursday. This week is already done. Very anti-climatic.
In the meantime, Cody is keeping himself occupied until his eviction.
Cody played a game of chess alone, Paul asked if he wanted to play & Cody nicely rejected the offer #BB19 pic.twitter.com/1L8SAngMVs— Big Brother Junkie👁 (@89razorskate20) August 12, 2017
Work that jury vote, Paul!
Poor guy, as much as I want Cody to stay, I think it's better for his mental health if he goes to jury.
his mental health is fine. he's anti social (i can relate). But there's no reason for him to be on this cast of idiots. lol maybe him and Jess will be on TAR..something better suited for them.
Yes that's true, he just seems like so lonely. I'm team Cody all the way.. but he just seems miserable in there because everyone is after him.
Honestly if cry leaves I will not watch the rest of the season. Not a fan of his, but he is the only one that doesn't have his lips planted on Paul's butt.
Agree! Although hopefully now with Jessica gone, the face twitches, crazy eyes and blow ups will be less.
hes not lonely, i assure you.
he told jessica that if she sees him alone all the time, to not feel bad for him because he "finds peace in solitude". I do, too. Talking to fake people would just annoy me and there'd be no genuine convo. waste of time and energy.
Very good point :)
What if Mark wins the veto and elects not to use the Veto? That could be the only possibility of Cody staying
What if Mark wins veto and doesn't use it? That could be his only hope
Mark is team Paul.
I'd been enjoying the power struggle because it kept things interesting. Obviously that's over, unless Paul, I mean Alex, decides to shake things up. I'll keep watching "because I'm addicted," but the rest of the season should be a real snoozefest.
Cody is what I meant to type. Not cry.
Totally agree
One could hope. Lol. It's time to turn this game around!!!
But I guess it's too late. Turn on people jow (and for Cody) there goes a vite for you in jury!!
Well while I am team Cody and Jessica, what did them in was Jessica's HOH. She should have gone with her instincts and pulled Ramses off the block and put up Alex or Paul and that way Josh would have gone home and he if didn't go home she takes out Alex or Paul, both very strong players.
Mark to me is kind of spineless without a back bone. Elena has treated him like crap at times and he doesn't see it. His best game move would be to win Veto and not use the Veto. He believes that he is safe in the house but he is the next target and he is willing to take out his only STRONG ally in the house that would not nominate him. It's mind boggling to me, especially since he will probably be joining Cody in Jury this week because of the double eviction.
Matt and Raven would not last if Rachel was in the house "Floaters grab a life vest"
Paul, although I don't like him or respect him, is playing a solid game.
Christmas is the only one in the house that would take Paul out before final 5.(Maybe Josh, but I don't see that happening)
To end my rant, the only person Paul would go home sitting next to on the Block in my opinion would be Matt or Kevin. Both very liked and pith have other people in the house that would vote to keep them.
Love your blog Jamie! And you are absolutely right... his mental health is fine.....he is ex military, a different mindset for sure, but just really wanted to compete, meaning may the best man or woman win!
Does anyone of these idiots that are left in the house, remember when Cody was leaving the first time because of Paul... but still had enough class to fist pump Paul, and say "respect". That is all Cody really wanted from the players .....RESPECT, and for one another too for that matter.
Remember what he said to Alex?
He respected her game and wanted to work with her.
Alex, I think, was intially so jealous of the showmances ... bla bla bla.
Did anyone of these cast members remember how Paul played this game last year?!!! Please!!!!!!
I cannnot watch the show going forward ... but I will keep reading your blog. Again ...Love it!! It's just too painful to watch Jamie!! Paul running the show this whole season. UGG!!!!! #CASTOFIDIOTS
You all seem to forget Cody is the one that turned on his own team weak one if he didn't do that then this would be a totally different game
I do feel bad for Cody. I hated what he did in week one. I wish he did not turn on his own alliance. He would have gone so much further. He is a vet and for that he has my utmost respect.
But if "America" had not given Paul safety, then the season would gave been different. Cody took a shot at Paul week one, alliance or not, smart move. Look at the house now that Paul has his hooks in everyone.
What is Matt wins? Oh wait, he's not playing the game.
I agree cw03, isn't that what games about? Going for the most dangerous person and trying to take them out...not just going along to get along..thats why this season sucks!
Can we all pray Alex comes to her senses and puts Paul up? That would be epic - and very, very good for her game. I thought she had the makings of a decent player, so sad to see her reduced to a minion. Also, pt above about Jessica wasting her HOH is on pt.
Can we all pray Alex comes to her senses and puts Paul up? That would be epic - and very, very good for her game. I thought she had the makings of a decent player, so sad to see her reduced to a minion. Also, pt above about Jessica wasting her HOH is on pt.
Cody pulled an excellent game move week 1 and doesn't deserve to be the victim of bullying ever. Not in gameplay. Not personally. BB should have made an after school special on this and took the chance to highlight bullying, evict them from the game and then mixed in previous house guests/ or to make things super interesting......the parents of the existing house guests!
Everyone in the house had a part in the bullying not just a few and I really think things would have been different if Cody and Jess didn't hide in the bedroom screwing each other all day
Agree. CBS ruined this game. First by putting Paul in the house, second by giving him friendship bracelets and third by giving him 4 weeks of immunity. CBS must have promised this to Paul after they gave the win to Nicole last year so a woman could finally "beat" a man. No one believes she actually won by staying in bed, having sex, all season. Way too much manipulation in my opinion.
Agree Savvy55. Disappointed with CBS this year for:
1. Bringing Paul back let alone any past house guests. Have a reunion show.
2. The temptation Room and giving Paul 4 free weeks. Hmmm. Who do they want to win. Total set up.
3. For all the negativity this year and for all the floaters standing by watching and enabling this behavior. Shameful.
4. Allowing Christmas to stay in the game with a major injury keeping her from participating. Should not be allowed. Bring her back another season when she's healthy. She could be a huge competitor. Smart enough to see Paul for his "friendship" BS.
5. Enough of the Puppet Master, Paul. End this CBS. Make it worthwhile waiting for the next episode, again. Blah blah blah right now.
Wish Cody would have thrown the comp and come in last place. Then he would have got to played in the veto for sure. He already knew that he was going to be backdoored anyway.
Cody made a huge mistake by not letting the rest of his alliance know he was going to backdoor Paul. That's not how you build trust with your allies, especially week 1. Even if Paul didn't have safety I still think he would of stayed because Cody blindsided everyone and put the doubt in everyone's mind that he's a loose cannon. A lot of people are forgetting this angle and just point out how Paul would have for sure gone home and Cody was screwed over. In my opinion Cody should have run it by his alliance first instead of shocking everyone. He didn't even tell Jessica his plan. Terrible game move.
Sorry folks ... but I disagree that you think that Cody turned on his own team week one. My opionion was ..I think he was being loyal in kind of a backwards way. He thought by not telling his team he would protect them all and take the repercussions on his own will, in his action of putting up Paul., protecting his alliance ....like he would his squad in his military days. Like dying for his country! I think his alliance took it way too personal....because Cody.... being that good and probably coming off way too confident in that moment. I am not saying it was the right way to go about but ...we all agree his social game skill needed a little fine tuning. :) That was Paul's in to make Cody's character seem way worse than it really was. Paul started the poison because that is where Paul SHINES in the game of BB!!!
From then on..... the game got really ugly fast!!!! Everybody attacking Cody's character!!!Paul was planting seeds and huge fires before Jody had enough time to put them out! .. So Cody will probably go home. Would have been interesting if he had of won safety one more week and see everybody squirm to who would to go to jury!!!
Still enjoying the blog everyone .......☺️
Poor dude didn't stand a chance!!!
BB screwed Cody week 1 by giving Paul all that safety!! It would have been such a good move if not for that!!!
How do matt and raven not realize that after mark and elaina go they are next. Have they not watched previous seasons. Showmances are easy excuses for majority to go after. They should have went back to original alliance weeks ago.
I will not be watching any more, tho I will read this blog. I don't know what Paul has on somebody at CBS, but they are certainly in his corner! I couldn't stand him last year screaming "your boy America" at the camera and now he has Josh doing it too. Neither of them are my boy and I am incredibly sad for all the players that Paul was allowed to come in and run the house. Only Jess and Cody were brave enough to show what they are made of and Paul manipulated the others into voting them out. I will be glad when little Paul and his big mouth are booted!
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