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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Paul Hanging Out With Raven (Video)

Hey guys & gals! No Overnighter today, no need for one since nothing has changed. Paul is running the show and he has the next few evictions already mapped out. Jason is still going Thursday night and Jason/Alex are currently still in the dark about that. They both think that Kevin will get the boot. Josh will tell Jason right before the live show that he's getting evicted, per Paul's command last night.

In other news, the BB world is lit with a new video that has surfaced about Paul and Raven knowing each other pre-BB. Now, that itself is not new news..we knew from the start of BB19 that Paul/Raven knew each other prior to the season. What we didn't know, is that it was more than just Raven meeting him at one of his bands gigs. This was taken 3 days after last seasons finale.
 What do you guys think?

Stay tuned...
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TeriPie said...

Shady!!!!! Bet thats Paul's plan then...Cut out josh n Christmas n take raven to the end. Ugh!...This season....Is...The...WORST!!! He's really been complaining about her more than Ever. He's planting the seed in other HouseGuest's minds. Prepping them for jury votes! I just can't anymore.

Unknown said...


TANk said...

Don't think that's Raven, not sure she has enough money to get to LA, or the connections to get into Paul's house post BB18. Yes, that's her meeting Paul in March, that pic is legit, and BB must have vetted that with Paul before the season or shortly after because that was circulating the first week of BB19. They must have investigated that pic otherwise they would have organized some way to get him out of the game; something like that video would destroy the integrity of the game.

I think it's more Evel Dick and other's pathological hatred and jealousy of Paul and disgust of Raven. I think Raven is trash and I don't mind Paul in the game, in fact, I'm hoping he wins this because it's the best full season ever played in my opinion. If people can get over their hatred for Paul, the fact BB gave him 3 weeks of safety, which was necessary, and the psychological warfare he's played, he's been the puppet master; as he showed us Sunday.

I don't like Paul as a person, I'll never buy his clothing or support him, I don't follow his or anyone's social media, I do love BB, and I think he's dominated this game. And people like past houseguests, bloggers, and other diehards are just upset and jealous that he's played this season like a fiddle. The drama of true blindsides are gone, but they will be in Survivor too. Now every vote is a blindside, it was like that in BB years ago.

So look at this BB season, you can call everyone minions, not just Paul's followers. Look at the 3 showmances, they all gave up their chance for the game for the other. That's just as crazy as the people listening to Paul and doing what he says.

And I don't understand why Jess is an angel when she spent a week plus having sex with Cody and holding his penis "my little friend" under the blanket. The references to the movie "Wedding Crashers" and her actions made her out in my eyes to be a slut, not a great player. When she kept saying "where is my little friend" in that voice, I had to explain what she was doing, which was trying to grab Cody's penis. There was a week plus of that, that's great game play? Raven picking and eating what's in her butt is just as entertaining.

The game is about manipulation, relationships, and deceit, sorry, but that's it. How many of the last seasons have just been railroaded by a duo or trio that had hangers on? Go back every season beyond the beloved Derrick who ran to the end with Cody, back to Dan and beyond.

Additionally, this game is played by millennials now, they're different people, they're social media aware, they're internet trolls, many people think they're an evil generation. So some of the tactics employed this season might continue to seasons following unless BB can address it. Guys like Paul and Josh? Girls like Alex and Raven? They're reprehensible people. And in the house, their true behavior comes out, it's disgusting, but it's happening on other shows with younger people. Open your eyes. Paul is just where things are going. And he's owned this game. I hope he wins and then disappears from my eyes and ears forever.

Steve Robbins Art said...

SCUM. Absolute scum. This should be (but probably won't be) the last straw. CBS can't ignore this, or it'll look like the fix is in.

Karen W. said...

Bingo TeriPie!!!

Jamie said...

Bloggers & all other bb websites are not jealous of Paul. Not even close. Lol

Cathy SSF said...

First ... I give you all the credit in the world for watching the feeds and posting. Depended on your posts in prior seasons. This season has been such an incredible letdown with the worse group of people save for Jessica, Cody, Mark and Elena. I would even bet a few of the first 3 who left would be much better than any we are left with. I think CBS ought to donate the funds to the Red Cross or some other hurricane relief org instead of awarding anything to anyone still in the house. Please.....

Jamie said...

Thanks for being with me all these years Cathy! :)

Michael said...

One of her comments said "thanks for the conversation." We have no idea what their relationship was. How well they knew each other. If she was just fangirling. Hasn't this happened on several seasons on BB?

Also, I hear people going off on Paul all the time. I just want to bring up something to think about. Boston Ron won Survivor:Redemption Island by completely running the game... on his 4th season. Some people liked the season because of the "clinic" put on by Rob to win, others didn't like the season because no one else seemed to be able to pose any challenge to Rob. My question is, I'd Survivor had the option of 24 hour feeds would people have liked Rob as much as they did? And vice versa, of BB only had the episodes would there be so much hatred for Paul and for this season in general? It's not Paul's fault that no one else in the season has a backbone. And what's with all the Cody love? Seriously?!?! He is the front runner for AFP?! After he made hateful comments about Audrey for being transgendered and called her an "it?!??" That's America's favorite? But god forbid Paul met Raven before the season...

Purplicious2u said...

You nailed it!!

Susie said...

I hope they show Kevin in the jury talking bc he has figured Paul out and I want him to talk.

Zayne said...

Sorry, but your entire argument falls apart by calling his 3 weeks of safety necessary. If he was so good at the game, he wouldn't have needed that much help from production. That house and the $500k were gift wrapped for him from the start. I will admit he's played well, thought despicably since then.

You can't give someone a .5 mile head start in a 1 mile race, then have 8 people lock arms and walk slowly in front of the two people trying to run full speed to catch the guy with the headstart and then say, "yeah, that was super fast. He 100% earned that win"

Unknown said...

The tweet was there another link to the video?
Or can anyone explain what it shows?

Razldazlrr said...

Yea - something is definitely weird there - I saw the video - everything in this season is so fishy.

I looked at evel dick's twitter - was he hiv+? is that why he had to leave?

I asked the show doctor, "So, do I have to leave?" He said, "If we had known you were HIV+ you would have never been allowed in the house"

Sammie said...

Lol but the show is heavily edited so that you do like Paul. A lot of the despicable things he and others have done have been edited out. So yeah people just watching the show might think he's good at the game.

Sammie said...

Yeah that's why he left the second time he was on the show. Because they found out he was HIV+. Pretty sure that's when he found out as well, but don't quote me on that.

Sammie said...

You must be a Gen X with your random dislike of millennials. As if that has to do with why the show sucks. Sorry but no. I know a lot of millennials that watch this show, and all the ones that watch feeds or read blogs like I do are just as annoyed as I am. This season sucks ass. It isn't because they're young millennials. It's because casting picked fame hungry, annoying ass people instead of actual fans. The few fans that were picked could not win a physical comp to save their lives. And all the comps at the beginning of the game were physical comps or just random luck based. They got targeted and picked off from the beginning. The only one left that stood a chance at winning a comp was Cody or Jessica. Other people wanted to oppose Paul (Kevin for example) but can't bc they can't win comps. Those that can win comps and some that can't all just stuck with Paul because he is good at comps and it's their best chance to make it farther. Dunno why Alex and Jason stick with him bc they don't need him to win and in fact can't win if they're with him. Maybe they are just dumb. But no bloggers, super fans, and vets are not jealous of Paul. Probably pissed like me bc everyone throwing a running comp to a cripple is horrible gameplay. It's not because Paul is a super smart puppet master. Everyone else is abnormally stupid. Or people like Christmas who literally can't play and needed to piggyback on a strong competitor who can drag them along.

TANk said...

My dislike of millennials is a general dislike rather than a random dislike.

And the 3 weeks of safety was completely necessary when you put a single target in the house. Last season there were 4 returnees, but they were made team leaders which forcefully integrated them with the newbies. A single target dropped into the house, he or she is gone vote 1, even for these feckless fools. Maybe Raven could have saved her old buddy Paul on week 1 had he not had safety.

If they dropped any other player in, singularly, they would have had to do the same thing. Evel Dick would have needed safety to jury.

Unknown said...

Truth! Completely edited out or the scene is edited to give the viewer an incorrect outcome too often for random in favor of Paul.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Cody had a backbone, and that's why I "love" him and he's getting my vote for AFP.

Michael said...

And that's a fair point. It's about the edit. So why has Cody been leading AFP when he called someone an "it?" Or why are people mad at Jason for the rape comment but not mad at Jessica for when she said she would "anally rape" anyone that took a temptation?

Michael said...

He "would have never been allowed in the house?" Seriously?! Because they were worried someone would get HIV from using the same toilet seat or something? Have we gone back to the 1980's? T

Anonymous said...

Jealous of Paul? I honestly do not know what there could be to be jealous of Paul? He is a mean-spirited, obnoxious, egotistical, spoiled brat who has such hate for people. He is constantly saying that he is about to blow, most likely because he is hating so much and people get on his small nerves. I love my happy, very comfortable life where I can feel good about how I treat people. I have nothing to be jealous about Paul. Actually, with all his hatred, he could probably be more dangerous than people think Cody is. And, I do believe this is who Paul is out of the house.

People didn't like Jess and Cody. I understand that Cody kept it to himself that he was going to put Paul OTB but if Paul hadn't had that safety, it would have been a great bold move. Paul is certainly not telling people what his true plans are. Unfortunately these people were given friendship bracelets and were blinded by being "protected" by the vet and went against Cody. In addition, these other people have absolutely no mind of their own and are some of the biggest chickens in BB history and are easily led by the wolf.

Sure, Cody and Jess were playing with each other. I wonder how anyone else would react with so much hate directed at them. Paul still can't get over the hate for Cody and Cody will most likely vote for Paul to win because he is the only one who has played the game since Cody left.

I'm older generation and can't fathom having sex on live TV but I've gotten over it, that's the way it is.

Jamie, you really are a saint watching and taking the time to keep those of us who enjoy your blog updated. I only watch the things of interest that are pointed out to us by your blog and Jokers Update. Thank you for sticking with it for us.

Unknown said...

This is my first season watching Big Brother and I am seriously disappointed. My friend told me how great this show is but watching the live feeds and the show, I can't stand Paul. Yes, he is great at being a puppet master. I have to give him that but he had a lot of advantages coming in the game. I liked Cody because he knew how big a threat that Paul would become. The whole house turned on him so his gameplay just came to a standstill. I don't blame him for keeping to himself when people just want to start arguments with him every time they see him. lol Mark, Cody, Elena and Jess were my favorites. Now it is boring without them and everyone in the house makes me sick. I don't understand the gameplay to torture people before they leave. If these people need to vote for you to win, why would you want them to hate you. So stupid. I don't know how this jury thing works yet because, like I said, it's my first season. I hope we get more jury shots.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone figure why Paul is sure that there was going to be a Sunday eviction for a couple of weeks now and then thought there was going to be a Monday eviction? He is saying that there won't be two DE?

Razldazlrr said...

Samantha - good points!

I really don't understand why people wouldn't at least watch a few episodes of the show before they go on. Maybe they should do a true super fan episode with no returning players.

Missy said...

Zayne, your race analogy is perfect! That's one of the best analogies Pauls game this season that I have seen!

Joe said...

Absolutely agree tank.

Past players may not be jealous of paul entirely but you can be sure they are jealous of the control he has established using behavioral conditioning.

They would never voice it but rest assured they would love that amount of power.

He got the hg's used to throwing comps and being pawns early so that when it is their turn to go they won't know until to late.

The attacks are psychological warfare to keep their minds occupied so they dont stop drinking his kool aid.

You could see with josh especially early on, when he was given the role of act sad so they think you are leaving, that he needed to be occupied or he would mess something up. It worked well. This week he is unoccupied so is starting to question again, plus DR is helpng him.

I wonder if paul's bad news he got in DR was related to the raven relationship prior.

Unknown said...

This is old news but I really think Jason's comment was taken wrong and so was Josh's about kevs kids. Guys say that kinda shit to each other all the time

Stephanie said...

I completely agree with you. For a fan base that claims to hate bullying so much but then votes for one for AFP shows how hypocritical they are.

TeriPie said...

Paul intentionally sics his dogs on the next victim ....Gets them all fired up to torture the next one leaving and then paul is running straight to the one being bullied and comforts them! Consoles them! Its all for jury votes.Notice how all his goodbye messages are " sorry I couldn't get u the votes...Can't wait to get together outside the house"...then more blah blah Blah bullshit. Its all for jury votes. He's a real piece of work.

Stephanie said...

Hmmm that didn't look like Raven to me. But would be very odd if that was her. I'd love to see Kevin win AFP! I can't believe how many votes Cody has as much as the fans gripe about bullying and then they turn around and vote for one? It's laughable but not surprising.

Sammie said...

Pretty sure they show the recruits recent seasons in seclusion too. Guarantee if they showed the seasons that fans loved of this game, we'd have more good competitive gameplay going on and less Frankies or people trying to play Derrick's game.

Michael said...

It is a game. It's well within the rules. No one gets mad in poker when someone bluffs. They're not called liars or bad people.

Unknown said...

I tried to view it. Couldn't find a video, but clicked the link on ED's twitter at the top and it said "this has been removed" hmmmm.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Great description of Paul, spot on.

Psalms46:10 said...

I still think Derrick played the best game ever. He ran the whole house undercover, played with integrity and didn't have tge advantages Paul has.

macks said...

Worst season ever!!! It's all predictable, the cast are all idiots, why eould you keep paul??? Just stupid. Big brother needs to stop bringing old players back, not watching anymore, so much bullying this season, and do they really need to tell when they talk??? Omg josh, just shut up. Use your quiet voice

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