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Saturday, September 2, 2017

Saturday: The Overnighter + Noms

Good morning and Happy Saturday to y'all! Nominations were held last night and Christmas nominated Jason/Alex as planned. Jason is still the target this week. If either Jason/Alex win veto, then Kevin will go up as the renom and the other (J or A) will go to jury. It's a pretty straight forward week, like the last several weeks. The only way the plan can be messed up, is if Kevin wins the veto and saves Jason, and then Raven would be the renom next to Alex and Alex would get evicted. This could leave Kevin/Jason to pair up and if one of them wins HOH, could flip the house upside down. But then again, these HG's have been playing to keep Paul safe all season, so my hopes of that are shot. lol

Both Jason/Alex are being told they're safe this week, so Alex doesn't have a care in the world but Jason is nervous. They both are being told that Kevin is the target this week. Alex thinks herself/Jason/Paul will go to Final 3. Heh.

At 9:24pm BBT, Paul instructed Kevin to not talk to anyone.
Kevin is dumbfounded because he hasn't done anything and doesn't understand why he has to isolate himself. Paul claims that he's "genuinely trying to help" Kevin.

Paul's been acting paranoid, as if Christmas could backdoor him, but it's just act.

In other news..
Jessica announced that she will be on Bold & the Beauitful. The episode will tape September 5th.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today's Veto Comp will determine which one will go to jury: Jason or Alex.

Stay tuned...
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Razldazlrr said...

the person who could win is the one that makes a big move and gets Paul out - they would probably take home the $$

BBLove said...

I agree !!! Take out Paul and you win the game !!

Unknown said...

That's what I've been saying too!!! Cody, Mark and Elaina would definitely vote for whoever takes out Paul and as each new person comes into Jury, I'm sure they will work on them too. They have all shown how easily manipulated they are. Take out Paul and win the game!!

Laura O said...

Living in New York and this was on the daily news website. Hoping articles like this gain more attention and cbs takes note. It's been a disgusting season and I'm so over it. I totally support stripping this season's "winner" and donating the prize money to victims of hurricane Harvey.

Unknown said...

What comp do you think PoV will be? They haven't done the "stay or fold" counting comp right?

Unknown said...

I am honestly excited to see Alex face on Thursday night if they can truly get her or Jason out and keep it quit but if they don't change noms after veto won't she finally catch on

Unknown said...

Say what u want about Paul but he has to be a master manipulator right? He has mist like nobody ever.

Mergatroid#1 said...

Paul now walking around in his underwear with a floatie around his waist. Not a good look, unless your going for "Manchild". #Losethefloatie!

Walkrock said...

@Jamie. I saw on Twitter Christine saying the live feeds are as edited as the show. True in your opinion?

Jamie said...

No. She's insane.

addie55 said...

I agree. Can't understand what all the fuss is about.

Melbell said...

I feel so bad for Kevin. He didnt do anything to deserve this hostility from these people. Sure he's a lil clueless of BB traditions at times, but that doesnt give the rest of them the right to emotionally nd verbally abuse him. I really liked, nd even wanted Jason to win, up until he made that comment about Kev's wife nd daughters. Now I dnt want anyone to win, except Kevin, but since everyone in that house is playing "Big Paul" I highly doubt that will happen.

Atlanta said...

She is so arrogant! Probably not.

MsDiana said...

You're absolutely right! It has taken a lot of strategic thinking and planning. He's a genius in my opinion.

Unknown said...

Not an accomplishment with the cast memorized by his stories beyond the "celebrity" wall and with producers literally setting up the game for him to win.

pheuer said...

why isn't Jason on your list for AFP?

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